Day 3

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You wake up in the cold, brick walled room in one of the lumpy beds of the bunker, the beds... Your only complaint about this place. You get dressed and head down to the library to find Sam reading up on some story to try to find a lead while Cas is making coffee for Dean as Dean is trying to drag himself out of bed.

'I guess this is like the behind the scenes of the best hunters in the world' you think to yourself

"morning sunshine" you say to Sam as you walk over to the table.

"hey how'd you sleep?" Sam asked

"lumpy" you say with a smile

"yeah the beds aren't the best but this place is home" he says

"I agree" you say as you sit down

"you want anything to drink?" Cas asks

"uh water please" you say kindly. Cas nods his head, gets you a cup of water and pours Dean's coffee setting the water on the table as he walks to find Dean to give him his coffee.

"so what's up with them? They seems awfully flirty with each other don't ya think" you say to Sam

"heh yeah I've noticed. I've been with them for a while, it's definitely like third wheeling but I can't really help myself since everyone I have relations with dies" Sam says smiling a smile thats hiding a lot of pain "but I don't know about Dean and Cas really. They have eye sex everytime they look at each other and they're always flirty but they still both keeping fucking chicks... Probably trying to hide they're feeling for each other" Sam says jokingly as you both laugh together. Cas walks back to the table and sits down "where's Dean?" you ask "coming" Cas says "is he always like this?" you ask "only some days Sam says

"he just needs a bunch of coffee and probably some porn magazines and he'll be fine" Cas says and you giggle. Dean stumbles to the table and sits, eyes matted shut, bed hair and coffee in hand.

"well don't you look lovely today" you say as he looks at you and smiles causing butterflies to come alive in your stomach. These are such attractive men to be stuck with

"so I have a lead of a man who had his heart ripped out in Iowa, wanna check it out?" Sam said

"sure Dean said" want to join Cas?" Sam asked

"yes" Cas nodded

"what about Alex" Cas asked looking over at you.

"she can come if she wants" Dean mumbled, you smiled thinking about Cas wanting you to come with them.


You get to Iowa and start working the case

"warewolfs are always fun to deal with" Dean said as he tossed their bags in the trunk after finally finding the pack that was killing so many innocent people in the small town.

"too bad there isn't a cure" you said


You finish the case and head home after you get some food at a local burger joint. You get back to the bunker and everyone heads for their rooms, as your walking down the hall to your room Cas appears

"hey" he whispers

"hey" you said normally but.. Kinda turned on by his voice

"I don't want you to think that I'm not into you because of Dean, me and Dean do have a very close relationship but I don't think it will ever go anywhere" he said looking sad "he's just too into girls" he said

"I don't know the way he looks at you.. I wouldn't be so sure" you say

"well either way I don't want to worry about him right now. I might be an angel but because of him I've started feeling some very human emotions towards certain humans and you happen to be one of them" Cas says

" that feeling attraction?" you say

"possibly" Cas says looking down

"and what are you going to do about it" you ask in a seductive voice, noticing that Castiel enjoyed it because his eyes lit up

"well..." he mummers as he grabs your face and kisses your lips gently waiting for a reaction. You eventually kiss back but much rougher than him causing him to moan slightly. He picks you up, wraps your legs around his waist, carries you over to your bed and throws you down on it without his lips leaving yours. He leaves just long enough to go lock the door to your room for some privacy. As he walks over he removes his trench coat and tie as he climbs on top of you kissing you non stop. He slows down, bites your lip and sits up still straddling you as he removes the rest of his upper clothing and then begins on yours. He unzips your jacket, tosses it on the floor and roughly removes your t-shirt and throws it in the floor too leaving you in your bra. He gets off of you and grabs your waist pulling you to the side of the bed where he rips your pants off leaving you exposed in your underwear. He begins to dry hump you rubbing his hard member on you causing you to moan and him to smile, pleased with himself. He removes his pants and boxers slowly exposing his erect member.

"can I?" you say quietly

"yes" he growls. You sit up and start sucking on him causing him to moan roughly. He reaches behind you and slips his fingers under your underwear and pulls them down. He looks down at you and pulls your hair telling you to stop, you obey and wait for him. He sits you up on your knees and pulls your underwear all the way off and removes your bra from behind. He leans up to bite and kiss your neck and proceeds to do so all the way down your spine causing you to shiver. Eventually he uses his hand to slide himself into you slowly to get your reaction. You moan which pleases him. He thrusts into you from slow to fast causing you to both moan and forget all of your surroundings. Cas's thrusts get sloppy towards the end when he's reaching his climax along with you, he moans loudly and cums in you and you not long after. He reaches up under you and picks you up still inside you pulling your body against his chest as he sits on the bed and gently thrusts into you for a few more moans then pulls out and let's you move. You turn around and sit on his lap facing him.

"I-I..." you mutter causing him to giggle

"it's okay" he says and kisses you

"well you should get to sleep" he says as he tries to get you off of him.

"wait I want to talk to you" you say.

"about what?" he asks

"Dean" you say firmly

"Dean!?" Cas said

"yep" you say as you slide off his lap and cover yourself with a blanket.

"what about him" he asked

"Cas I've been with you guys for three days and it's not hard to tell. That was great and all but you don't love me you just think I'm pretty. We need to talk about how you feel about Dean" you stated. Cas was silent.

"you make him coffee every morning yes?" you say


"you usually watch him sleep? I saw you last night when I went to the bathroom" you say

"I.. Yeah" he said

"that's just two of the things I saw in the three days I've been with you guys" you say

"but... He's.. I don't know" he said

"Cas you were sad when you said that Dean was into girls and it was obvious. Whether you want to admit it or not you definitely have some kind of chemistry with him and you need to talk about it" you say loudly looking into his eyes. There were so many emotions you couldn't even count.

"okay" Cas managed to get out

"okay. Now go watch your prince sleep. A prince always needs a guard" you say as you lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Cas gets dressed and looks back at you as he goes to close the door

"thank you, Alex. I really needed that" he smirked and left your room. You sat there for a few moments thinking about the events that happened tonight, smiled and whispered to yourself "what a night", put on some pajamas and slowly drifted off to sleep."

**meanwhile cas**
Cas slowly opens the door to Dean's room, walks in, grabs his book and goes to sit down when he hears Dean whisper "where have you been" through his sexy, sleepy voice "I--" Cas muttered

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