2 years later

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Everything had been good and peaceful beside the usual vamp here werewolf there. Up until now anyway. Cas started getting voices on the angel radio saying that there was someone out for him but no one knew who, Cas wasn't allowed in heaven anymore he was just being warned by some friendly angels that had word that someone was out for him.

"But why Dean? who would be out for me and for what reason?"

"I don't know Cas, you tell me?"

"Dean. I'm going to be fine."

"I'm not letting you out of my sight"


"Don't "Dean" me I told you I don't trust when we get breaks because then something bad happens and it always hurts me. Why can't it be me? Why you, you didn't do anything."

"Neither did you Dean"

"I've done plenty, I've killed many people in my life--" Cas cut him off 

"Dean I killed almost every angel there was for you. This is an angel coming after me, I can handle my own kind"

"Can you? can you Cas? because you've failed before at handling your own and it got us fucked"

"Dean! I've got this stop worrying for two seconds and actually help me make a plan, okay?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell at you" Dean says as he walks across his room to his angel and kisses him gently. With his lips still placed on Cas' 

"I can't lose you again Cas. And I'm pissed at myself that I let myself let loose. It never ends well.

"Its okay Dean," Cas says wrapping his arms tightly around him shoving his face deep in his chest suffocating himself in Deans deep fiery scent

"I hope you're right," he says kissing Cas' forehead. Dean pulls away from Cas, grabs his hand and pulls him over to sit on his bed with him.

"So what's the plan? What do you know so far?" 

"I don't know anything really, all I've heard is that there is someone looking for me from some of my angel friends. They said that he's angry"

"Okay, well. If you get anything else tell me every detail I don't care if it's bad or... Anything. I need to know who's coming for you so I can kick his ass"


"Don't Cas. We'll do this together"

A couple days had passed and Cas had gotten word from a friend that an angel named Azmay is who was after him and that Cas needed to be ready for his appearance soon. Cas told Dean everything he new and you, Sam, Dean and, Cas were all ready for whatever it is that he had planned.

"Dean maybe I should go out to a field somewhere and pray for him so I could find out what he is mad about sooner" Cas said

"Cas, no. We wait for him, he knows what he wants and he'll get to you whenever he finds you"

"Dean I'm pretty well hidden from angels, I have warding."

"then he'll have to look harder"

"Dean the anticipation is killing me. I want to go pray to him just to find out sooner. I know it might be dangerous but what is he going to do to me now that he won't then? Making him wait longer is going to make him angrier"

"I guess you have a point. Are you planning on going alone? Because no."

"Dean, he might be mad at me but he's an angel they're all mad at me. I'll call you as soon as it's over"

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