Day 4

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You all wake up the next morning and meet up at the impala Dean and Cas were the last to arrive and while waiting you and Sam had your speculations and you knew what each other was thinking eventually they arrive and look very well rested surprisingly.

"hey love birds" Sam jokes "how'd you" sleep" "he kept going

" we SLEPT great. He ain't getting this sweet ass until the time is right "Dean said

" so your a bottom? Good to know " Sam said causing Dean to turn bright red

" OH SHIT! " You exclaim as you laugh your ass off

" why do you need to know anyway Sammy? You writing fan fic? " Dean said all offensive

" maybe I am " Sam said

" you better let me read it if you do!" you say crying of laughter

"will do" Sam says laughing

Dean sighs and giggles as he looks at Cas "come on Cas let's go home, these brats are so childish"

You arrive at the bunker ready for some excitement around 3pm

"so what do you guys do for fun around here?" you ask

"uhh, go to bars? I don't know, why? You bored" Sam says

"a little I guess" you say

"hey uh, do you happen to like video games?" Sam asks

"yes actually... Why?" you say

"we could invite Charlie over and you guys could play some games together" Sam says looking at Dean for approval

"yeah that sounds like a great idea! Our two sisters here at the same time!" Dean said

You gasp!

"I'm a sister!?" you say very excited

"I mean yeah. We haven't known you long but you already feel like family. You guys agree?" Dean looks at Sam and Cas and they both shake their heads "yes"

"yeah totally, you're great. Plus you made "destiel" real. Took fucking long enough " Sam says smiling from ear to ear.

Dean laughs"... Yeah. Thanks for that "Dean says as he looks up at his angel

" alright well I'll call Charlie, you can go on a beer run if you want and get some food, Sam " yeah sure Sam says and Dean's throws him the impala keys

" hey Charlie! Yeah we adopted a girl. Haha no we found a homeless hunter on a hunt and we are letting her stay with us and she's bored. If you're not too busy wanna stop by here and play video games with her? She said she loves video games. Yeah? Great see ya soon, love ya "

" she'll be here in about an hour what do you want to do until then? " Dean asks you and Cas

You and Cas are silent

" wanna watch a movie? "Dean suggests

" as long as it isn't another western then yes " Cas says

" ok fine Dean shrugged. What about you Alex? "

" sounds good " you say smiling and hopping on your toes

" alright let's go find something " Dean said

You go up to his room and you and Cas sit on his bed as he starts calling out movies that you've never heard of

" uh Dean... How about something a little more relevant?" you say jokingly

"ugh okay. Scooby-Doo?" he asks

"You have Scooby-Doo?" you giggle

Cas leans over to you and whispers "he's secretly a huge nerd"

"I am not!!... I just love classics" Dean bit

"uh huh" Cas giggled

Dean put the tape in and the well known theme starts playing and you all cuddle up together like a big orgy of Scooby-Doo and gay men.

When Sam returns he yells for you guys, Dean jumps because he was half asleep and you moan because you're so warm against Cas that you don't want to move but Dean shoots up as soon as he remembers that Sam has food. He looks down into the lobby of the building "whatcha get?" Dean says, half asleep and stumbling.

"are you drunk, high or asleep?" Sam said while laughing at Dean trying to walk down the stairs as you and Cas follow


"they look fine, what happened while I was gone? Did you gang bang him or something?" Sam says dying of laughter

"no actually, we were watching Scooby-Doo" you say smiling

"oohhh did he get too into Daphne again? Yeah he does that. Watching Scooby-Doo with him as a kid was a nightmare" Sam said

"Oh my God" you say now laughing very hard as Cas just looks confused, as always

You guys eat the pizza that Sam brought home and sit and talk until Charlie arrives and you go play games in her room all night. It's like 8 at night when Dean smacks cas' chest "come on Cas. Sam hand me my keys"

"where are we going Dean?" Cas said, confused... Again.

"you'll see" Dean says as he takes his keys from Sam and grabs cas' hand and walks towards the door

"Dean?" Cas said

"shhh. It's a surprise" Dean said as they get into the impala together and start going down the road

"Cas. Pick music" Dean demanded

"but Dean, your picky."

"and tonight I'm not" Dean said

Cas turned on the radio and flipped through the stations until he found one he liked. It was Sad Song by We The Kings

" I love this song " Cas said as he reached over and grabbed Dean's hand wrapping their fingers together

"Cas thi-" Cas cut him off "without you, I'm just a sad song..." your my favorite part of me, with you standing next to me I've got nothing to fear " Cas sang along to the song quietly while staring at every inch of Dean, Dean's eyes sparkling in the sunset that was perfectly placed behind him

Cas finished singing, blushed redder than any tomato and covered his face with his little hands. A couple of seconds of silence go by until Cas looks back at Dean only to find that he's struggling to drive due to him staring at cas' beauty

"you like?" Cas said shyly

"I like" Dean said "I really like"


"hey Cas" Dean said, Cas still blushing. He looks over at Dean "yes" Dean stares him right in the eyes

"you're my favorite part of me"

To be continued...

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