Day 4 Part 2

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Dean and Cas drive for about 30 minutes before Dean slows the car down and pulls off to the side of the road to a cliff with a perfect view of the sunset. Dean hops out quickly before it gets too dark and throws a blanket out on the ground

"sit" he demands Cas

"so bossy" Cas says smiling as he sits on the ground with his legs crossed waiting on Dean. Dean sits down beside Cas and throws his arm around him

"you need to relax buddy" Dean says smiling down at Cas' head on his chest

"so let's talk. Cas, how have you liked staying with us?" Dean asks

"it's great? Why do you ask? I mean, we've had our ups and downs, I'm sure you remember. But it's always for good reason."

"nah I'm just asking because, if you take out all of the bad .. Which is most of it but don't think about that for a minute. We built a family. Sam and I were fine being normal hunters moving from hotel to hotel. I mean it wasn't the dream life but it's our life, we're never going to get dream life so why complain. Then I get sucked outta the ground by a hot angel and now we live together in a "mansion" with everything we need. Sounds pretty good to me" Dean says

"well. If you put it like that then yes, it does sound pretty good but there was a lot of shit along the way and you know that. But it kinda seems like stuff is getting better. I know you don't trust it but..."

"I never trust a break!" Dean snaps. "I'm sorry Cas. I don't mean to yell but I've had a" break" before and it got Sam killed because we weren't ready "

" I know Dean, but we're ready now. You said it yourself we have a big place with all we need. When something comes our way we will beat it, we always win. We have so far "
" well enough about life. Look at the view. " Dean says looking up and gesturing to the sky with his hand." too bad you can't look at yourself " Dean said laughing at Cas blushing



"so what is this becoming? I'm bisexual but I've never actually said it but I think Sam knew. What are we?"

" I--I don't really have an opinion on my sexual orientation because I am neither male or female I kinda just do what my body---" Dean cuts Cas off

"do you like me?" he interrupts

"yes" Cas answers shyly

"okay well you're not changing your vessel anytime soon so you want to go with bisexual? Is that how you feel? Boys and girls or? I don't want to offend you. Man I love chicks but I also dig guys" 

"me too" Cas says smiling like someone had just told him something that he'd been needing to hear his whole life

"then it's settled?" Dean says

"uh yeah?" Cas says as Dean gently grabs his face and kisses him

"let's go home"

"okay" Dean smiled and helped his angel up, folded the blanket and headed back to the bunker.

"you know Cas, this was just the first part of my plan" Cas looks at Dean confused

"I am making it my goal to get you to experience human things with me like, watching a sunset with someone or... Who knows. You'll have to wait and see"

"ooo exciting" Cas says with a little smirk

Dean and Cas get back to the bunker and head inside

"welcome home lovebirds" Sam says sitting at the table reading something
"you guys we're gone a while. Fun night?"

"Sam..." Dean said. Sam giggled and looked back to his laptop

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