Day 3 Part 3

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You arrive in Montana at this old bar with a bunch of angry drunks and a couple groups of guys... Trying... To get laid and one girl sitting shakily with a frightened look on her face

"go check her out Sam, I'll ask around. Alex with me, Cas with him."

You walk quickly to catch up with Dean, you didn't make much progress though, I guess people don't really notice if someone is a vampire unless the Vamp is coming after them. You head back over to Sam, Cas and the girl and continue questioning her.

"hey Sam whatcha got?" Dean says sliding in the booth beside Cas leaving you standing.

"not much she's frightened because she witnessed her brother get turned into a Vamp last night. She didn't report anything because she was too scared and they wouldn't believe her anyway" Sam reports

"right, thanks ma'am. If you need help with anything else weird give us a call" Dean says handing her his card

"why do you believe me?" she asks

"long story" Dean says, winks at her and walks away as the rest of you follow

You finish the case, kill the Vamp family and head back to the bunker. The case took a while so it was quite late, around 11pm when you left Montana so you guys stopped at a shitty hotel on the way back just to sleep and eat so you don't die. Cas never understood these needs until he became human once, now he understands and never questions them. You go in, Dean orders one twin room with 2 beds and one with a king. Obviously twins for you and the green giant and uh Dean-O was sleeping with the angel. "I wonder where this is going" you thought to yourself and smile as you and Sam go to your room. Sam and Dean started to feel like brothers to you even though it had only been 3 day but those 3 days had been more fun than you've had in years. They were kind to you, they fed you, they gave you a room. All stuff that you had before but, it just never felt right at home. You wanted to get out and find out what was going on with the world as soon as your uncle died but you weren't old enough. You still wish that you could've started before 21 but... Family problems. You still beat yourself up for it too. Your uncle was your best friend. You and Sam both go to sleep preparing for the next day.

** meanwhile Dean and Cas**

Dean and Cas walk down the hall quickly to get to their room

"you know I don't sleep Dean" Cas stated sounding confused

"I know but that doesn't mean you can't cuddle" Dean said flirtatiously

"ahh" Cas said to himself, figuring out what Dean wanted

They arrive at their door and Dean opens it roughly going in with no hesitation throwing his bag on the floor and face planting the bed moaning "ughhhhh so tired"

"sleep Dean, I'll watch over you" Cas says in the most caring voice Dean has ever heard. He gives Cas the adorable half smile/smirk thing that he does.

"no no Cas your joining me" Dean stated firmly

"but De-" Cas started as Dean cut him off. "I know you don't sleep, jackass hang on" Dean gets up and removes his shirt and pants until he is in his boxers. Cas doesn't know where to look but at the same time he knows exactly where to look. Dean giggles as he notices Cas struggling with where to put his eyes. Dean opens his bag and gets out some of his clothes, they look like comfortable clothes, Dean never wears comfortable clothes Cas thinks to himself.

"you never pack clothes" Cas says

"special occasions" Dean said after a second

Dean walks over to Cas and starts removing his clothes and Cas looks at him terrified.

"don't get too excited Cas, not yet" Dean said trying to calm yet excite Cas. Dean gets Cas completely naked torso up.

"want me to do the rest?" Dean asks shyly

"uh huh"

Dean undoes Cas' belt and removes his pants leaving him is his boxers as well. Dean hands Cas a comfy looking gray t-shirt

"put this on, I want us to be comfortable tonight" he says as he puts on a dark green t-shirt, himself. Once he is dressed Dean turns off the light using only the street lights to illuminate the room. Dean walks over and lays back on the bed propping himself up with his elbow and pats the bed beside him.

"cuddle" is the only word he said until Cas walked his way over to the bed, tripping over his trench coat, still lying on the floor. Cas crawls up beside Dean and puts his arm around him and Dean lies his head on cas' chest cuddling up to him as the cool air of the hotel room nips at his bare legs. Cas wraps his legs around him to warm him up and to get him closer to him then pulls the blanket up over them. Cas looks down at Dean as he looks up at Cas

"I've been wanting to do this forever" Dean whispers as Cas pushes his face down into Dean's hair and smiles

"me too" he whispers very quietly as Dean is drifting off to sleep.

"I'll protect you" Cas whispers to himself as if he's making himself that promise for the first time like he hasn't promised himself that he would do that hundreds of times and like he hasn't told Dean he would protect him hundreds of times. He meant it different this time though. He was going to protect his heart and everything that Dean Winchester was.

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