The Big Day

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You wake up in Sam's room, where you've been staying, in an empty bed. You rub your eyes until you're awake enough to get up. You throw on some of Sam's clothes and walk to the bathroom down the hall and find Sam staring into the mirror, you ease the door open to get his attention.

"you okay?" you ask

"oh, uh yeah!"

"Sam don't worry about me, I'll be fine" you say wrapping your arms around his shoulders pushing your head into his chest

"you don't know that"

"Sam we never know if we're going to make it on any hunt we go on this isn't any different"

"you're new we can't just push you into something like this what if you're not ready" Sam says in a whiney tone

"Sam, I volunteered myself! None of you want me to do this but who else do we have? Azmay knows you're Dean's brother and I'm the only one who he doesn't know about" you say pulling away from him harshly

"we could find someone, you don't have to do this"

"no" you say and slam the door storming downstairs to get food

You find Dean sitting at the table while Cas is making him coffee, as usual. "morning" Dean says smirking at you

You sigh and say it back too quiet to hear

"Sam still upset?" Dean asks

"I don't think he's going to stop being upset until this is over"

"you can't be mad at him for caring about you"

"I guess" you say as you sit down in front of Dean. Moments later Cas brings Dean his coffee and you some water and he sits down beside Dean

"so how are we going to do this?" Cas says quietly

"well, you can take me to the feild you went to and I'll take the necklace and pray to him and tell him I have it to try to get his attention." you say looking at them with question

"that sounds fine, I just don't want you to get hurt for me" Cas says sighing and looking up at you from his lap

"if it comes down to him hurting me in any way, I don't care. Plus, if it works and you get your grace back can't you heal me?"

"yes but still"

"it's worth it Cas" Cas looks at Dean "whatcha think?"

"I don't really love the plan but I guess let's eat and get ready" Dean says

"Cas can you go get Sam?" Dean says walking to the kitchen to make breakfast. Cas nods and walks upstairs.

Hours pass and it's later in the day and everyone is set, you have the necklace and Sam, Dean and Cas are in a nearby diner with a clear view of you and you start the plan.

"hey, Azmay, I have something you've been looking for. A necklace? Yeah I have it, get down here-"

"who are you?" Azmay says out of no where

"ah, you must be Azmay. I'm Alex, I believe I have something you want?"

"how do you have it? Who are you?"

"I'm important and you need this soooo"

"so give it to me" he says storming towards you "no no. It's not that easy big boy"

"don't test me I could obliterate you with a snap" Azmay says getting noticeably angry at you

"do I look concerned?" you smirk at him. He rolls his eyes and drops down his angel blade

"awe, now you see. That's not necessary, I'll give this to you for a fair trade"

"what do you want?" Azmay says loudly

"my friends grace back, bitch"

"don't you use that language on me"

"don't you call my friend a fag"

Azmay is extremely angry at you and storms towards you grabbing your collar picking you up slightly. You cram the necklace in your bra and get out your angel blade that Cas gave you. Sam, Dean and Cas are watching your every move out of the restaurant.

Azmay throws you on the ground "you really consider that piece of shit a friend?!"

"him and his boyfriend too actually" Azmay punches you a few times breaking your nose you bruising your eyes. Eventually you manage to kick him off his feet and pin him to the ground. "listen bitch, I don't see how going through this is worth it. I have what you need and you have what I need, angle grace is nothing to you compared to the praise you get for making daddy happy, right?" Azmay chokes under your foot which is firmly placed on his neck. You move it slightly so he can talk" f-fine, I'll give it to you "

" and why should I believe you? "

" you shouldn't believe me, but you will because what other choice do you have? " you move your foot and let him up

" mk, if you're actually going to trade with me then you first" you say "you can never trust angels" Azmay slowly gets up off the ground and reaches in his jacket and gets out a small tube filled with angel grace and reaches his hand out to give it to you "is it really his?"

"yes, I was going to destroy it but I got so busy trying to find the necklace that I forgot" you take it out of his hand and he looks at you impatiently

"well I have some news for you Azzy, you can't trust humans either" you say as you grab the back of his head and ram your knee into his balls making him fall to the ground, you stab him in the heart with your angel blade, twist it and run away from his corpse. Sam, Dean and Cas run out of the restaurant to greet you. Sam hugs you first the the other two at the same time. You hand Cas the grace and you all pile in the impala and floor it back to the bunker.

When you arrive you all run in the the kitchen and wait for Cas to do his thing

"go on Cas" Dean says like a proud father

Cas opens the tube and inhales the grace, the bunker starts shaking and books start flying off of tables and shelves. Cas' eyes turn bright blue and his huge beautiful wings appear on the wall behind him, you look over at Dean who is in awe in the corner of the room. You look over at Sam who is staring at you. "you did it" he says and smiles at you, you blush and look back at Cas.

"hey man, you okay?" Dean says jogging over to him

"I'm good Dean, I'm me" Cas says hugging him, he smiles huge at you, walks over to you and places two fingers on your head and heals you, broken nose and all. "thank you, Cas"

"don't thank me, thank yourself. You did it " you smile at the ground

"you did all of this" Dean says "you made me and Cas happy, you make Sam happy and now Cas is Cas again all thanks to you, I always new we kept you here for a reason"

"Dean that sounds kind of rude" Cas says. Dean smiles and puts a hand out to help you up. He hugs you tighter than you've been hugged in years.

"I love you Alex"


This is the first fanfiction I've ever wrote. What do you think???

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