4 months later

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It had been a couple of months since Dean and Cas got together and not a lot had happened hunting wise, Dean took Cas to do almost everything romantic you could think of like, fairs, restaurants, bars, movies, more sunsets you name it they did it and they looked so happy doing it. You were very happy staying with them, you and Sam got along very well and spent a lot of time together when Kevin and Charlie weren't around, otherwise, you were with them and not gonna lie... you had a huge crush on Charlie.

"Hey, guys want to go out? I'm going crazy being stuck here all the time"

at the time it was just you, Sam, Dean, Charlie, and Cas in the bunker so you all piled into the Impala before you even decided where you were going.

"Dean, where are we going?" Charlie asks

"not sure, where do you want to go?"

"strip club?"

"ugh, Dean no. Lets actually go somewhere. Let's go somewhere tonight, all five of us lets go have some fun."

"want to go to the zoo?" Sam asks

"I never understood why humans are so fascinated by captive animals but if you insist," Cas said causing everyone to giggle 

"I love how your brain works," Dean said smiling his big warm smile at Cas

"everyone down for the zoo?" 

"only if we can go to a bar/strip club after," you say 

"that's my girl," Dean says giving you a fist bump. You haven't seen dean this happy in a long time. Even when you arrived at the bunker a few months back he seemed pretty on edge but he loosened up since but you weren't sure if that was good or bad yet.

"whenever Kevin isn't busy we really need to go out and do something fun with him, he'd love it," you say

 "he sure would, well have to bring him next time," Charlie said 

"I'm going to need a bigger car" Dean giggled 

You guys went out and had a great time, you all fed the animals together and you bought Charlie a stuffed llama she wanted. Cas was still very confused by the whole thing but Dean helped him feed the animals without being bitten and tried to explain it to him which didn't work very well.

On the car ride to the bar, you all played would you rather to pass the time 

"Right. Sam, your turn to ask Cas." Dean said 

"Cas, would you rather... Shave your head or get a tattoo of Deans face on your ass?" 

"Well, frankly I think I would look terrible bald so I'm going to go with the tattoo. besides, he's the only one who sees my ass anyway" Cas says confidently 

"that's my boy!" Dean says slapping the steering wheel and smiling from ear to ear

"Dean, your turn to ask Alex." 

"hmmm. Alexxx. Would you rather, make out with me or kiss Charlie?"

Charlie gasps and blushes. You just smile

"I'd gladly kiss Charlie"

"Okay then I dare you," Sam says 

"fine, Charlie?" you look at her to your left 


you gently grab her face and kiss her deeply. The car goes silent as you pull away 


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