The Next Day

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It's the day after cas' encounter with Azmay, and his first night of human sleep in a while, he loved it this time. The last time he was human he was homeless and on the run, he didn't have anyone or anything. Cas woke up in Dean's bed at about 11 am, he stretched and cuddled up to Dean who was surprisingly still in bed. Cas never thought about how amazing it would be to actually sleep with the person he loved, he already felt himself falling in love all over again but this time with the small details of life like the scent of Dean's bed and wiping the sleep from his eyes to see Dean staring at him or reading or whatever he was doing but he loved that he got to wake up and curl up to him. He could get used to it.

"goodmorning sunshine"

"morning Dean" Cas groaned still waking up "I slept like I was dead Dean"

"I know, I don't think you moved at all last night"

"thank you for taking care of me Dean"

"that's my job"

"nah, your job is to save the world I'm just here to help. I'm useless right now anyway.

" you're never useless Cas. You want to go downstairs, see if Sam has a case and get food. You have to be hungry"

"yes, I'm very hungry, let's go"

Dean hops up gets dressed and helps Cas up like a gentleman

"you don't have to do all of this Dean I'd be fine by myself"

"maybe so but I'm not going to let you"

Dean smirked at Cas hugging him tight

"how do you feel?"

"sore" Cas giggled

"I bet, come on"

Dean and Cas walk downstairs slowly and see you and Sam sitting at the table talking

"hey guys, what you talking about?"

"oh goodmorning lazy asses" Sam says. You giggle at Sams remark

"hey guys, we're talking about a case in Iowa, a man found dead with a stab wound but the catch is that there was a severed hand there too... Found holding an angel blade" you say looking up to see Dean's facial expression as he sits Cas down and moves to the kitchen.

"well that's definitely a case, when you want to go?" Dean asks

"whenever you want to go I guess" Sam says. "we can stop somewhere on the way and grab Cas a burger if that's what you're worried about, me and Alex have eaten.

" that okay Cas? " Dean asks putting his forearms on cas' shoulders, looking down at him

" that's fine Dean, let me go get cleaned up first." Cas woddles to their room to get dressed

"how is he?" you ask

"he's fine, he's human, hungry and sore but he'll heal up quick, we just need to find his grace. How are the two of you? We don't talk about you much."

"I'm good, I'm good. Excited to get back to work though it's been too long  since anything big happened which is probably good but I miss it honestly"

"me too, I just wish this wouldn't have been like this for Cas. I should have went with him."

"he didn't give you a chance Dean" you say "what about you Sam? How are you?" you say turning your chair to look at him

"I'm good, I've enjoyed the break, you know me. Eager to have a normal life. But I want to talk about you Alex."

"huh, why?" you say nervously.

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