Chapter 1

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So...I know we're all recovering from the pain that is chapter 36 and I needed to write a fanfiction to deal with it. So here it is. It is a post story concept I have of a few paths the series may take. For the LOVE OF GOD, don't take this as canon or overly serious. I'm just playing around, decompressing, and trying to work through the hurt and psychology of these girls and I want to find a believable happy ending for them!

I hope you guys enjoy this little trip down into my brain pan.

Yuzu couldn't help but feel it; the familiar nervous pounding in her chest that always began whenever she came home from a work trip. Sometimes it was because she was worried about getting chastised for some chore she forgot to do before leaving, other times it was because Yuzu was afraid of what Mei would do once she got her hands on the blonde.

She'd only been at her current job for six months, and this was her fourth work trip in just as many, and Yuzu was dead tired. In college, the idea of working for a major hotel chain as a hospitality manager had sounded great, and most of the time it was. But lately, all she could think about was getting home and having a nice long soak before curling up on the couch with her head in Mei's lap and watching a movie.

But since it was past midnight, Yuzu knew that wasn't going to happen. Mei's schedule was nearly as hectic as hers, and with them having their monthly visitor, the school director was probably fast asleep by now.

"I'm home," she said quietly out of habit and received silence in return.

Sighing at the realizing no one would answer, Yuzu pulled her shoes off and dropped them lazily off to the side along with her suitcase before locking the door. Yawning loudly, she wandered into the kitchen and set her computer bag down on the counter and headed to the fridge to find something to eat. When she opened it, Yuzu was surprised to see a plate of omurice placed front and center with a folded up piece of paper on it.

Picking up the paper, Yuzu smiled when she read a short note written in familiar tidy print.


I know you're supposed to be home tomorrow, but if there's a chance you come back early, I hope you enjoy this meal. It took a while to make, but our visitor was adamant in making you a good dinner, so please enjoy it and be honest with him about how it tastes. Not too honest, but honest enough so he can learn what to do better next time.

With all our love

Yuzu chuckled at the note and gave it a deep sniff making her sigh happily. She could smell the slight fermented scent of kimchi along with basil, mushrooms, onions, and other things that were making her mouth water.

Her stomach growling, Yuzu took the plate and did her best to warm it up quietly. After it was warmed through, Yuzu joined Kumagoro along with a large stuffed tiger at the table and clapped her hands together.

"Thanks for the meal," she whispered before taking a colossal first bite. The moment her teeth broke the egg, flavor flooded her mouth, and Yuz let out a small squeal of delight. It wasn't as potent as the kind her mother made, but it was very delicious for a first attempt. The kimchi and herbs balanced each other rather well. The rice was a bit dry, but Yuzu figured that was more from the microwave than the skill of the chef. Before she knew it, Yuzu had devoured the entire thing and found herself wishing she could make another one.

"Maybe in the morning," she sighed contentedly before placing her dishes in the sink.

When she was done cleaning up, Yuzu opened her phone and flipped through her messages to make sure nobody would need her the following day and was glad that only one person from her job said they'd need help with some online paperwork.

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