Chapter 5

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Chapter we go.

I apologize if my....well my foray into their bedroom activities wasn't that great. Like I said it's been over a decade since I wrote two women doing something like that. I still hope you liked it.

Now we go back to the original formula I have for a bit before some more present day stuff. Here I am..bringing in a new character...God, I hope I don't fuck this up. I'm just gonna say that...with this character I am taking some minor leas in logic...mostly because I don't wanna touch that concept with a ten-foot pole and based upon how they act and stuff...I can see it being caused more from separation anxiety instead of actual romantic feelings...that being said...have fun.

Now onward!

PS if you're on tumblr...reblogs and likes as well as comments are very much appreciated. Also...umm..anyone know someone who can do some decent artwork for me? I kinda have some scenes I want to see done.

Chapter 5

~Present Day~


Yuzu looked up from the book on management tips she'd been reading to see Hideki running towards her with an excited look on his face. He'd just got out of class and Yuzu left work early to pick him up for his monthly visit. Since her company wasn't opening any new properties for a while, Yuzu's schedule had been a little more flexible over the past few weeks allowing her to focus more on her family.

Though Hideki hadn't been with them, Udagawa made sure they got to join in on story time most nights, and to both Mei and Yuzu's surprise, Hideki hadn't asked any more questions about her and Yuzu's time apart. He seemed content for the moment, but when Yuzu saw the complexity of the books he'd picked out, she was beginning to wonder when he'd start asking more questions.

"What'd you find," asked Yuzu as she began flipping through the books.

"Books on kanji and math," beamed Hideki as he pointed at the one on the bottom. "Mommy said that I needed some new ones since I already figured out the others."

"Of course you did," sighed Yuzu as she closed the books. "But I think these might be a bit too advanced for you."

"Nuh-uh." Hideki stuck his tongue out at Yuzu which earned him a flick on the forehead.

"Watch it," Yuzu was glad that Hideki was advancing quickly but it caused a bit of a stubborn streak, and she didn't want him to get too full of himself. "Just because you're ahead of the other kids doesn't mean you get to act like you know everything, got it?"

"Got it," pouted the boy as he rubbed the spot where she'd struck him. "But I can do the work in the books."

"I'm sure you can. But before I spend the money on them can you....," Yuzu flipped open a math book to one of the earliest pages and pointed at the equation. "Can you tell me what these are?"

Hideki studied the page for a minute, his brow furrowed as he looked over the pages and after another minute muttered, "I don't know."

"They're called fractions," explained Yuzu as she took the book back. "Do you know what they're used for?"

"Do you," snapped Hideki making Yuzu's eyes widen in shock.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," warned Yuzu after recovering from her son's attitude. "But the next time you say something like that to me, I'm going to tell your mother, Mama Rena, and your dad and we're all gonna set you straight, got it?"

Hideki looked around nervously and pulled his hat down over his head and nodded when he realized no one would help him. He whispered something and reached for the books, but Yuzu brushed his hand away and said, "Look at me when you apologize."

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