Chapter 6

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Chapter 6..let's do this!

Hopefully, you guys didn't find my...adulting of Nina too off-putting. It was just an idea that I had and wanted to play around with it. I apologize for the non-Tachibana fans (myself included), I just felt having a non-biased perspective could be useful outside of the core group.

Oh and I'm getting some artwork done by a friend of mine....gonna cost a pretty penny, but she's worth it. She's been doing art for me for years, and I can't wait to see how her style has evolved since my last what to pick...what to pick. I have two ideas right now of what to get done. One hasn't happened, but I think it'll be so cute, and the other has happened, and it'll be adorable! to a slightly more Mei focused chapter! Cracks the riding crop and no I didn't get this from their locked drawer!;)

Some parts might seem reminiscent of chapter 2, but given who I'm using, she'd probably say similar things. Sorry if it's redundant!

Chapter 6

~Present Day Aihara Academy~

"Thank God," sighed Mei as she made her way down the front steps toward the entrance of the academy.

It'd been a long day, and Mei had barely been paying attention during her meeting, which was highly unusual. She'd been feeling sluggish all day and had been drinking cup after cup of coffee with little effect. But in the end, she'd managed to finish all of her business and was looking forward to leaving for the night, surprised to see the sun hadn't fully set.

As she slipped on her shoes, Mei grunted at a spasm of pain and pulled her right foot out and massaged the arch, before sliding it back on. As she began gathering up her belongings, Mei reached for the door handle and pushed it open just as she heard a familiar voice call for her.

"Madame Director?"

Mei let out a tired sigh as she heard the footsteps of her assistant hastily approaching.

"Yes, Watanabe-san?"

A young man in his mid-twenties stopped in front of her, clipboard in hand and a haggard look on his face.

"I apologize for the interruption. I know you're trying to get home, but there are just a few extra pieces of the budget I need you to finalize before I can send them off."

Mei took the clipboard with an annoyed grunt and scanned them. Everything looked to be in order, but Mei knew a quick scan wouldn't tell her what she needed to know. Pulling her glasses out of her jacket pocket, Mei spent the next fifteen minutes overlooking the numbers, and after making a few small corrections, she gave her approval.

"Is there anything else," she asked after approving each piece of paper with her signature and seal.

"No ma'am." Watanabe took the paperwork and gave her an apologetic bow. "I apologize for keeping you. I know you have a busy night planned."

"I wouldn't say busy," huffed Mei as she put her glasses away. "But it will be a long one."

"Does Hideki-kun have a school event? Or does Aihara-san have a business dinner you must attend?"

"It's a mixture of many things," answered Mei feeling a bit uncomfortable with him asking questions about her family. Mei wasn't against it, but she wasn't too keen on discussing how busy her life had gotten over the last couple weeks.

Yuzu was going to be a bit late due to a dinner meeting, and Hideki was with a sitter at the moment, leaving Mei the chance to have some time to herself. With Udagawa out of the country for work and Rena barely at home due to her career, Hideki's visit had been extended for the foreseeable future.

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