Behind the scenes

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A/N : Helloo !! 🙂

So I have been wanting to write this for a while now, and now that I have some free time I'm finally doing it. I have already planned the whole story out, everything's ready, and I'm so excited to write it ! I can't wait to get to the end. I hope you guys like it!

DISCLAIMER : This work is pure fiction ! The events that will take place come mostly from my imagination. Please don't come after me ! 😁

This story was mainly inspired by the video "How the ILLUMINATI contacts people" by Youtuber Moe Othman.

Summary : Colby, Sam and their six best friends are a popular circle of social media influencers. A terrifying encounter with the ILLUMINATI will completely transform their lives and career... forever.

Stay tuned for a story filled with drama, suspense and emotions.

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