4• "Get in"

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It was 2am.

The time had finally come.

The six friends had just came out of Sam and Colby's apartment, after spending the least enjoyable hours they had had together yet. They had eaten up the pizzas, but that was hardly because they felt any hunger, more because it was becoming increasingly embarrassing to just sit there, staring at their feet, pick at their nails and have nothing better to do and nothing to say.

Which, in a nutshell, was how they spent their entire evening.

The rental car, a colbat blue Sharan, was parked just outside the apartment complex. Corey unlocked it and walked around as he was going to drive; Elton opened the door to the passenger seat, and Sam, Colby, Jake and Aaron went in the back.

Once everyone was seated, Corey started the engine, and Elton took out his phone and opened his GPS app. His phone was the only one the group had, as they had decided it would be safer to leave theirs as well as the other things they usually carried around at home. He typed in the address, and a minute later, they were driving away.

It was 2:45 when they finally reached the meeting place. Corey easily found a nice spot in the parking lot and stopped the engine, and they decided to stay in the car for ten more minutes. They spent them looking through the tinted windows, watching for any movement. It was very late, so the streets were quiet and there was barely anyone around.

At 2:55, they finally got out of the car. Corey's hand was shaking as he locked the doors and put the keys in the pocket of his jeans. He looked up at his friends who had gathered around him. Out of them all, Sam, Colby and Aaron looked the worse. Aaron looked like he could throw up the too many pizza slices he had eaten at any moment; Sam and Colby looked whiter than they had ever done, and Colby was having a very hard time controlling his breathing, which was very concerning. Corey found himself shaking even more at their sight.

"Should we go ?" Jake asked.

Surprisingly, Jake was the most relaxed of the group. He had been since the beginning, Corey realised.

"I guess," he replied.

With one last look at the car, they turned around and started walking towards the exit of the parking lot, then down the narrow street.

They had barely gone a few meters when suddenly, a noise behind them started rising. It sounded like a giant truck racing down the road. The six friends instantly turned around, and sure enough, there was a giant white trailer truck on the road hurtling towards them, its speed frightening because of its huge size. It came to an unexpected, sudden halt right in front of them, with a loud screech that almost made them jump out of their skin.

The vehicle remained still for a moment, then came the awaited sound of a door opening on the other side, and somebody stepped out. They walked around the truck and stopped at the back.

The six boys were still shaking with terror, but curiosity got the better of them and they slowly stepped back towards the end of the truck to look at the person. It was quite obvious that that was who they had been waiting for, and they all had a bad feeling that whoever that person was was going to be their ride.

They weren't surprised by what they saw : it was a man, a brawny guy with broad shoulders, dressed all in black from head to toe with tight fitting clothes and a face mask.

He was holding a key ring, and he was opening a large padlock that hung from a huge metal chain attached to the latches that kept the giant doors closed. He then pulled the long chain off, producing a loud rattling noise, and proceeded to pull up the heavy latches. Rusty hinges squeaked as one door was finally opened, revealing the dark inside of the large trailer.

The brawny man turned to look at the friends, acknowledging their presence for the first time, greeting them with a cold death stare. He was holding the door open with his strong arm. When he was done examining the six young men standing in front of him, he nodded toward the black nothingness that he had unveiled.

"Get in", was all he said.

He then continued standing there, not breaking eye contact with the group, until the friends finally remembered this was what they had come there for. To meet whoever had given them that rendez-vous, and obey whatever orders they were to give them. And getting into a vehicle with them didn't look too bad. They had expected it anyway.

Jake, again, was the first one to react. He made a step toward the opened door, and his friends instinctively started moving after him, intent on keeping the distance between them as close as possible. He climbed inside, and his friends followed.

Once all of them had gotten inside, the brawny man let go of the door, which instantly went to slam against the door frame, resulting in an incredible, deafening racket. The noise was followed by the sound of the latches being closed again, then the rattling of the heavy chain and the padlock being put back in place. But it was much less loud than earlier as, apparently, the trailer was soundproof.

Elton turned on the flash light of his phone, quickly shining it around to check up on his friends. Having made the same realisation as Corey earlier, he wasn't surprised to find Colby on the floor, his limp body motionless, Aaron on his knees not far from there, desperately trying to keep himself from vomitting, Sam crouching near him, his face red, holding his painful head tight in his hands, and Corey behind his back, having caught Colby's scary breathing problem.

"Colby ! Colby !", he called, dropping to his knees in front of the unconscious young man, shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. He put his phone down so that the light illuminated that area of the trailer. Jake was by his side in a second, and Sam followed instantly after, his best friend's condition more important than his headache. "Colby ! Wake up !" he cried, tapping his cheek desperately. The situation was already too dire to add more problems.

Corey and Aaron joined soon after. They didn't have any water, so they just took his hoodie off, and not knowing what else to do, they started massaging his hands and fingers, but they still didn't get any response. Just as the friends realised it could actually be serious and they would need to call for help, Colby finally woke up, and opened his eyes, coinciding with the moment the engine of the truck started roaring, making the floor beneath them begin to vibrate.

"Thank God," they all said at the same time, letting out deep breaths of relief. "Colby, are you okay ?"

"I.. Yeah, I'm fine," he said in a raspy voice, coughing a few times. "I'm just... I feel so dizzy..."

Jake and Elton helped him sit up against the wall. Sam folded Colby's hoodie into a pillow and put it behind his friend's back to make it more comfortable.

"God, you scared the hell out of me," Sam said, his voice still shaky. "You scared the hell out of all of us. I can't remember the last time you passed out like this."

"Well, you better get used to the feeling," Colby said with a weak, painful chuckle. "You will probably get plenty of it in the upcoming hours."

"Don't be so pessimistic," Jake said.

"I don't see why he shouldn't be," Corey replied, sparing Colby the task. "We are locked in the back of a truck, God knows for how long, driven by a scary masked dude, heading to God knows where, for a Satanic ceremony, which we are forced to attend !! Could things even get any worse ?"

Just as he finished speaking, a muffled cough was heard from the dark area in the back of the trailer, making all the six friends jump.

It sounded female.


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