5• Surprise

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The boys held their breaths for a moment, their hearts almost pounding out of their chests. Their eyes were staring in the direction the sound had come from, but it was pitch dark there. The phone light they had was too weak to illuminate the entire, huge trailer.

"What was that ?" whispered Corey.

"There's someone else in here," Elton whispered back.

He stood up carefully, and all the others except Sam and Colby followed; then he bent down to pick up his phone to use the light, but Aaron stopped him.

"No, leave them that one," he said as he quickly searched the pockets of his pants, and took out a real flashlight. He flicked it on handed it to Elton. "Take this one, it's much more powerful".

"Thanks," Elton whispered.

The inside of the trailer was much clearer now. It looked even more huge than it did outside, with a ceiling at least thirteen feet high, and about two thirds of it was empty. In the last third, which was the part closer to the cabin, there was a gigantic metal box almost as high as the ceiling, so huge that Elton wondered how on earth they had managed to put it there. It was painted in black and had strange writings all over it, and there was a human sized door carved on its side.

And on the side of the gigantic box, there was what looked like big piles of clothes covered with a black sheet. At first, Elton didn't think much of it, more intrigued by the mysterious, creepy black box that made shivers run down his spine; but when suddenly, one of the bumps of the sheet started moving, and his friends who followed behind him jumped back, he instantly remembered that they were looking for a person. And he soon realised that the pile of clothes were actually people, sitting on the floor, and that the bumps on the sheet -because there was more than one bump- were actually their heads and knees.

His eyes wide, covering his mouth with his free hand, he turned towards Jake, Corey and Aaron who looked even more scared than he did, silently asking them for what to do.

The people under the sheet were moving now, coughing and making muffled sounds, as if to acknowledge their presence. They were definitely females, the friends decided, girls more specifically; and judging from the sounds they were making and the lack of actual movements, they were probably gagged and tied up too.

Realising that they most likely weren't a threat, the friends decided to get over their fear and walked nearer to them. Elton grabbed a corner of the black sheet and after hesitating for a second, threw it off to the side, revealing just what they expected : young girls.

"Oh my God," he whispered.

There were four of them, and just as expected, they were gagged and tied up, their hands linked in their backs with a dirty cord that also restrained their feet. They didn't look alike, but they had the same complexion, the same long, light brown hair, brown eyes, and they all wore a thin, shapeless white dress. And they were clearly all around the same age, around seventeen or eighteen. They were sitting close together, and they looked like they were freezing. They looked up at the four men in front of them with frightened eyes, barely able to make eye contact.

"Oh my God," Corey repeated. He and the others instantly bent down on their knees to untie them.

The girls gave the four weak but grateful smiles. "Thank you," they all said, in a voice that sounded like it hadn't been used for a long time.

"You're welcome," the boys replied, trying to sound as friendly as possible. "Who are you ? How did you end up here ?"

"Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you," Jake said.

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