1• The Call

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Colby was sitting on his bed, cross legged, the keyboard of his laptop under his very busy fingers. He was finishing to edit a video that was soon to be uploaded to the Sam and Colby YouTube channel : Killing best friend prank, our explanation.

He still didn't understand why he had to do this. He and Sam had already explained that they were fine and that the prank hadn't affected his friend in any way, and that the viewers had no reason to worry, but Sam had felt like they still owed the fans a proper apology as most of them were still upset about it.

They had filmed the video in the early afternoon, and since it was Colby's turn to do the editing, he decided he would do it right then. If everything went right, he was going to finish just in time to go and get ready for his date with Samantha in the evening. He had been waiting all week, and the day had finally come.

Sam had left to go to the gym, and so he was alone in their shared apartment.

Colby smiled to himself as he finally finished his work, and was about to press Save when suddenly, the bright screen went all black, and a high pitched sound rose in his headphones. Startled, he sat up from his slouching position, his hands jumping off the computer, and he threw the headphones off his now painful ears, before realising that the sound was also coming from the loud speaker, despite the fact that his headphones were still plugged in.

"What the hell ?" He exclaimed. It was the first time his laptop did anything like that.

He wanted to try and stop the annoying noise, but he was also afraid of making a wrong move which would cause him to lose all what he had been working on, and he really didn't want to start all over again.

After a few seconds of trying to regain his composure, Colby began to realize that his computer was probably being hacked into, which was even more worrying than his first fear. But as he was inwardly debating on what to do, the noise suddenly stopped and the screen turned back on again, causing his heart to skip a beat.

But what now appeared on it was even more disturbing : his own image was displayed full screen, despite the fact that his webcam was disabled. "What the heck ??" He exclaimed again.

His first instinct was to cover the lens with his hand, but as soon as he started lifting his arm, the noise came back again, as loud and as terrifying as earlier, causing him to jump back.

Colby was really scared now. This was totally a hacker's doing, and knowing that they now not only had access to all his data but could also see him was enough to send shivers down his spine. Not wanting to touch his computer again, he thought it would probably be best to leave the room. As he began to stand up however, the sound stopped again, and was replaced by an unfamiliar male voice.

"Mr Cole Robert Brock," it said. "Please have a seat."

Colby almost tripped over his own feet from surprise.

"Who are you ??"

"You will know in due course, young man," the stranger said. "Just have a seat and listen to what I have to say."

"What ? No, who are you ? And how did you get into my laptop ?"

"I won't repeat myself twice, Mr Brock."

"Oh yeah ? And what if i don't ? What are you gonna do huh ?" asked Colby. He had no idea where the sudden courage came from, but he was grateful for it.

"Trust me, you really don't want to know."

The warning tone was enough to make Colby decide to comply. He climbed onto his bed again and sat down, carefully keeping a distance between him and the computer.

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