22• Amber

41 0 0

Still Daisy's POV.

The door squeaks as I slowly pull it open. It's pitch dark inside our house. Looks like my brother's taking advantage of the absence of curfew too.

I turn on the hall light, then climb up to my room. I throw my backpack on my bed as usual, then open my closet and take out some clothes. I'm really in need of a good shower.

Half an hour later, when I'm finally done, I start feeling hungry, as usual, so I go back downstairs to the kitchen. Thank God there's still some lasagna left from yesterday, because I really don't feel like cooking. I heat it up, then put it into the last clean plate left on the plates shelf. Yes, that's what happens when my parents are away for ten days.

Plopping into one of the chairs, I absent-mindedly grab my phone and look at the lockscreen. Still no notification from Colby, I realise with a sigh. I've been checking regularly since the beginning of the afternoon.

I quickly check his Twitter, his Instagram, Snapchat and Youtube channel, then literally all his friends', just to make sure, as has been my routine since his departure. But there still isn't anything. His last posts, which are about a month old, are all flooded with comments from people who are all plagued by the same anxiety as I am.

Which only makes mine increase. Colby said he was going to come back today ! I know it's not late enough to start getting worried, but... it is kinda late.

I guess I'll just have to wait.

I finish my lasagna, add the empty plate to the gigantic pile of unwashed dishes that fills the sink, and head back to my room. I sit quietly on my bed, and open my backpack, thinking for a while as I stare at my notebooks. The finals start next Monday, and I need to be very organised with the too little time I have left for my last revisions. Why not make a study timetable ? Great idea.

I stand up and take a blank sheet of paper, then go and sit at my table, reach for my backback, and take out my ruler and my pencil case.

I open the case, notice the unfamiliar black flash drive, and mentally facepalm.

How could I forget about this ?

I immediately grab my laptop, jump onto my bed, and cross my legs as I wait impatiently for it to turn on. I type in my password with the fastest speed ever, and as soon as the desktop appears, I shove the flash drive into one of the ports.

I know this probably isn't the safest way to do it, especially since this drive could be filled with viruses, but I'm too curious to care about that right now.

The awaited folder appears, I open it, and I smile as I notice that it's not empty. There is one file : an Mp4 video, one hour and 6 minutes long, and it's titled KK2019. How strange...

This is actually pretty scary.

Should I click on it ?

I slowly increase the volume in the notification area to give my coward self a few more seconds, let the mouse pointer hover over the video icon for a moment, then swallow down my hesitation and click on it.

Worst decision of my life.


[Hey Daisy! I'm so sorry about earlier. Just wanted to let you know that there's a party at my place tonight. Wanna come ?]

I blink at my phone through my tears, trying to read the blurry message, but my heads rings too much, and my brain is too unfocused for me to understand it.

I still can't believe what just happened.

What my eyes just watched.

Is this even real ??

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