21• Daisy

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Daisy's POV.

I smile to myself as I skip happily down the long school hall.

"Hey Claire !" I greet my classmate, who is busy taking things out of her locker. "So did you bring the book I asked you for yesterday ?"

"Oh, yeah, of course," she says, quickly looking through her bag. "There you go !"

"Thank you so much !!" I give her another smile. "You're a life saver. I'll give it back to you soon !"

"No problem, Daisy ! See you !" she replies, and I wave at her as I resume my happy walk.

Today is another day of the best week of my life. Not very long ago, I took part in a free online game to win a $10,000 prize. I did it just because I was bored, and of course, like most of the online games I participate in every once in a while, I didn't really expect to be selected or anything. But guess what : I was selected !!

And not only that, but today was also the last school day of the year, and my last day of highschool !

And to top it off, Colby Brock, one of my favourite youtubers of all time, is finally coming back today !

I couldn't be more happy.

A few friends wave at me as I reach the exit door, and I wave back at them with the biggest smile on my face.

Shifting my gaze toward the street, I spot a blonde girl in the distance striding down the sidewalk. My smile drops for the first time of the day. Didn't I ask her to wait for me after school ? I run up to her.

"Hey Amber ! How are you doing ?" I ask, out of breath.

"Oh, I'm good", she replies, barely glancing at me, forcing a small smile that I can tell is fake.

"How was your day ?? Aren't you excited that school is over ?"

She shrugs, continuing to walk as if she didn't hear me.

I can't believe she's ignoring me.

We reach her car, and she finally turns around, and looks at me with a sigh.

"Look, Daisy, I'm not in the mood, okay ? In case you have forgotten, school is not over. We still have exams coming up. Now I need to go home."

My mouth falls open as she rudely shuts her door, and drives away without saying goodbye.

Amber is my long time best friend. She's 18 like me, and we're both in 12th grade. We usually get along very well, but a few days ago, her attitude towards me started to change. I easily guessed that it's because she's jealous of the money I got.

A few weeks ago, I told Amber about my parents' current financial difficulties, and how I wasn't sure I would be able to go to college, and pursue the career I wanted, because they probably wouldn't be able to afford it. And Amber told me that she was in the same situation. And we bonded over that, and we started talking about it more often, until the day I found out there was actually $10.000 in my bank account. Which means I will be going to college next year. But now, not only is Amber jealous of me, but she's also stressing over trying to find ways to make money before it's too late.

I feel really sorry for her, but it also hurts to see our relationship go so downhill because of that. I offered to help, but she said she doesn't want me to bring up that topic ever again.

But today is the first bright and sunny day after a long succession of cold weather, and I'm not going to let this issue ruin it. I turn on my heels and start walking back towards where my car is parked.

Amber said a few weeks ago that she was going to throw a party at her house on the last school day, and invite some classmates and even have a sleepover, but I feel like it isn't going to happen.

Settling into my seat, I put down my backpack, and squint at the blinding sun in the blue sky.

Quickly debating on what to do, I decide to go to the nearby park. It's not the most exciting place to go to, but it is one of my favourites, and at least I can get a few hours of happy weather and have a relaxing time. I would have gone with a friend, but as sad as it is, Amber is actually the only one I have who likes me enough to enjoy going out with me, and right now I doubt she'll be down.

After fifteen minutes of driving through the busy traffic of Los Angeles, I reach the park and manage to find a parking spot not too far from it. As I walk through the entrance, I'm surprised to see there are a lot more people than I expected. I should have known, our Californian sun has just came back, and this is actually one of the most beautiful places of the city. Which is why I love it so much.

And now I love it even more, because barely seven days ago, I literally met Colby Brock here, while strolling around with some classmates. Which was when he told us that he was finally going to come back to YouTube and his social media, after an excruciatingly long break off the grid that almost cost the fans' and my sanity.

All the more reason for this to be the best week of my life !

I head towards my favourite place, where I always go to when I come here, but all the benches I usually sit on are already taken. So I walk down the flowery lawn and go sit on the grass.

Crossing my legs, I unzip my backpack and take out the book Claire lent me, a piece of paper to take notes, and a pencil. The book is "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, one of the several novels we have on our reading list this year. Not only do I have to study it for the finals, it is also one of the only school books that I actually like, and I only read it once. And unfortunately, I recently lost mine.

The evening sun has already disappeared when I finally realise I have stayed too long. Or rather, long enough. I don't have to worry about going home late, my parents have been away for about ten days and will be for at least ten more, and there's no one at home except my younger brother; but I don't want to risk being too tired to drive, and besides, it's so dark that I can barely see my pages anymore.

I stand up, brush down my pants, then pat my pockets to check I didn't drop anything. Safety habit. Thankfully, this time it helps me notice that my car keys aren't there.

Turning on the flaslight of my phone, I quickly glance around me, and I find the keys under my backpack. As I crouch down to pick them up, I notice a small, black object, half burried under the grass, and I decide to grab it as well.

I usually don't pick up random objects, but this one looks rather interesting. It looks like...

I pull off what appears to be a cap.

A flash drive !

Now that's interesting. I would have asked around to see if I could find the owner, but I'm in the middle of a large, empty lawn, and it's rather obvious that the flash drive has been here for quite a while. So I decide to put it in my pencil case.

Maybe the contents will give me a lead to find them ?

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