25• "We do"

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Warning : This chapter is going to be um... bad, to put it nicely. Read at your own risk !

The story is already ending anyway.

Fun fact : this scene was the first part of the story that came to my mind, before I even thought about writing a whole fanfiction. I built everything else from it.


It was a diary.

Colby must have been good at hiding it, Brennen realised as he sat on the edge of the bed, because even though it was clear from its thickness, the amount of used pages and its age that Colby had had it for quite a long time, he had never seen it before. And he came to Colby's room very often.

As he stared at the notebook in his hands, Brennen wondered for a second whether this was really a good idea. But the picture of Colby's red, crying face came back to his mind, and curiosity got the better of him. He opened the diary, flipped the pages to the last entry...

...and was shocked by what he read.


[...] what I did was an unforgivable mistake. I am so ashamed of it that I can't even bring myself to write it on paper.

Not only was it the most egoistic act I have ever committed in my entire existense, but it's also going to cost all my friends' lives. Or should I say, what remains of their lives... I destroyed them. I stole them away from them.

I won't say that I don't deserve their forgiveness if they forgive me, because they never will.

Nothing I ever do will ever be enough to atone for my crime, and nothing in this world will ever be enough to purge me of my guilt... and I might as well take my leave. My departure time is near anyway. Don't miss me when I'm gone.


Brennen's mouth fell open as he read though the dark letter. Panic rose in his throat, and he involuntarily started tearing up. What the hell is this about ?? He asked himself, slamming the book shut, his heart pounding. What does he mean he destroyed his friends' lives ? Is this... Is this about.... No. No, no no, it can't be !

Racking his brain with all his might, he realised with horror that that was the only thing he could think about. The one, dreaded thought that still haunted his life, the one secret that had the power to bring it all to an end, if ever unleashed.

What did Colby do ??

Glancing around the room, his eyes came across the computer that laid on the desk, and Brennen suddenly remembered he knew the password. Colby had typed it once in front of him without noticing, and he hadn't forgotten it. Maybe a little search inside it would tell him a bit more...

His hands were shaking madly as he grabbed the device, put it on the bed in front of him, and turned the screen on.

Just as he hoped, Colby hadn't logged off his session. Several windows were still open. One of them in particular caught his attention. It was Colby's personnal email box... He clicked it to the front, and glanced through the first emails of the list. A certain person named Anonymous98 had been writing to him since the previous Sunday, and there were seven emails from her.

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