Chapter 2: Mercenaries

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While the Resistance's ships were landing one after another, Poe hurried getting out of his X-Wing to see the arrival of the new pilots group. His mecanic came to his sight but the pilot waved him away.

"Hold on, I'm coming back..."

The moment he was saying those words, he saw the group arriving with the fiery bird X-Wing leading them. Dameron used the time of their landing to study each ship attently. A chameleon fighter, two A-Wings, an Aurek Tactic fighter and even an old Naboo bomber! These pilots were definitly not Resistants. Poe was more and more intrigued knowing that there was only one explanation, but he hoped he was wrong. Leïa couldn't have done this...

The X-Wing just landed and stopped its engines. A little smile appeared on the Commander's face as he came closer to the ship and its pilot, but he froze. When the cockpit opened, the pilot removed his helmet and Dameron was surprised to see a young woman standing up and leaving the ship. Most of the pilots, both in the First Order or the Resistance, were males. Not that it was a male job but it needed strength, the ships being really heavy and hardly maneuverable. So Poe was even more impressed seeing how easily she flew over Ando. Impressed and appreciative.

The pilot jumped out of her ship and smiled brightly to her group coming to congratulate her. None of them were wearing the Resistance's uniform, which worried a bit more the Commander Dameron. The man made a step forward but the General Organa was quicker. She approached the new pilots' group and talked briefly with its leader who nodded and followed the General in the steerage room. Poe glanced at them, even more intrigued. What was going on here?


"I am really thankful for your help Captain. I don't know what we could have done without you today."

Leïa took her guest in her arms. The young woman smiled fondly and shook her head softly.

"Please. I am the one who should be thankful Highness, on every detail. You know it was ht e least I could do. I wouldn't be here without you..."

The Princess returned the smile before pointing her finger in front of the pilot's green eyes.

"How many times did I tell you to not call me Highness? I have a name!"

The two women laughed together before the General turned to grab an envelop next to her. She then offered it to the ilot.

It was the moment Poe decided to step in.

"Mercenaries?? It's your idea General?! Hire mercenaries to help us? They're not loyal to anyone, not you, not the the Resistance, not even the First Order! The moment they'll have a better offer somewhere else, they'll sell us away!"

The pilot had followed the two women, his curiosity being stronger than his faith. The young woman bit her lower lip, taking a deep inspiration. Her anger was growing and Leïa noticed it.

"Commander, I will ask you to wait outside. It is not your concern."

"Oh yeah? General... We're talking about the Resistance's security! I think I'm one of the first being concerned by it! The rest of the crew knows what kind of persons you're hiring? Don't you have enough pilots?"

The young woman couldn't hold back a sarcastic laugh and arched a brow.

"Your pilots were being slaughtered, but you're welcome... It was my pleasure... If you excuse-me Highness, I must go and pay my freaks..."

With this said, the pilot turned on her heels, followed by a funny little droïd, white and orange, rolling quickly behind its owner, both of them ignoring Poe. The man was about to follow her but he was held back by Leïa.

"Wait a minute. Poe I understand your reluctance but we need help. The First Order is overwhelming us and people are scared to step up. Our lack of staff is forcing us to ask for help where we once never thought we could go. Ly'ra and her men are part of this help. They are indeed mercenaries but contrary to what you may think, I know they are loyal. I know her very well and even if you don't trust her, I am asking you to trust me. Can you do that?"

The Princess forced Poe to look into her eyes. The pilot clearly couldn't agree and his eyes were going from the mercenary to Leïa. He stayed silent a moment before looking back at his boss, nodding softly. His rage was growing stronger but he would faithful to the Princess no matter what.

"Very well... But I'm gonna keep an eye on them while they'll be on board."

"I am sure you will. Now go and take some rest... You need it."

With a sigh, the pilot left the steerage room and joined the other Resistants, staying suspicious and keeping an eye on the so-called Ly'ra and her mercenaries.

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