Chapter 21: Escape.

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Poe followed the young woman's worried look, but at first he didn't see a thing. Instead, he thought he could hear something. Like a groan that was echoing stronger each second in the tunnel and that seemed to get closer too. The three of them stayed still, their eyes fixed on the darkness in front of them. The groan was becoming clearer as it was coming closer to the two pilots and the droid and, suddenly, Ly'ra grabbed Dameron's arm. She figured it out. It was a Stormtroopers' squad and Armitage Hux was leading it.


A blaster's shot barely missed their heads and the couple started running towards the exit of the tunnel, BB8 on their heels. In only few seconds, they reached the light and they found themselves near the exit of Affavan Prime, the ark being the main entrance of the city was just few feet away from them. On the other side of the place, they could see the Hutts's Palace in fire, the flames quickly reaching the buildings around. Nevertheless, Poe, Ly'ra and BB8 didn't stop and, after having quickly checked around them, they both saw a TIE Fighter landed not far from them.

Hux and his soldiers were still right behind them, all the time shooting at the two Resistants. Ly'ra waved at BB8 and showed him the TIE. 

"Hurry and make it ready to go!"

The little droid rolled even faster towards the Fighter. The Stormtrooper who obviously was in charge of the ship tried to stop him, but BB8 didn't slow down and rolled aboard, pushing the soldier away from his path, making him heavily fall on the ground, and he dropped his weapon.

"Have you ever pilot a TIE?"

"Nope... But I've always wanted to try one of them..."

The young woman shook her head, and glanced behind them.

"Okay, next time maybe, you'll be in charge of the gunnery!"

Poe didn't have time to answer as they needed to leave Affavan as quickly as possible. He reached the Fighter first and sent a kick in the Stormtrooper's head before grabbing his blaster. He then tried to cover the young woman as she was still trying to avoid the blasters' lasers. He aimed at a Trooper and shot. To his surprise, the soldier disintegrated in a second. Arching a brow, Dameron glanced down at his weapon and understood that he was holding a disruptor. With a quick appreciative nod, he started shooting again at Hux and his soldiers, who quickly took a cover. But the General was blind with his rage.


Without really knowing why, the young woman turned around when she heard her ex fiancé's voice. He then grabbed his blaster and shot. Ly'ra froze, slightly bending forward, a hand on her stomach. The pilot frowned before looking down, noticing her hand being covered with blood. It was strange though as she didn't feel any pain, but her legs were suddenly weak and she fell on her knees.


Poe hurried towards her, covered by BB8 that was settled at the gunnery and was shooting at the First Order. But the young pilot was already back on her feet, her hand still on her wound. Dameron placed his arm around her and helped her reach the ship. As soon as he saw the two pilots aboard, the little droid closed the cockpit and put the shields on before jumping down of the seat.

"Hey, easy, let me see..."

The young woman shook her head, taking a seat with difficulty, grimacing under the pain.

"We don't have time, we need to get out of here. Take your seat, quick."


"Poe now. We'll check this when we'll be out of this Hell!"

The pilot sighed but in the end he obeyed and settled at the gunnery. The young woman closed her eyes a second, her head lying on the seat back.

"On the left to switch between missiles cannons and mag pulses a site, o-on the right the aim triggers to... fire."

Poe nodded, trying his best to not look back and checked the wound of the young pilot behind him.

"Got it."

Without waiting any longer, Dameron started shooting, forcing Hux and his men to stay hidden behind the buildings. Ly'ra took a deep breath and took off easily. The Fighter slowly flew off the ground and with a quick move from her wrist, it disappeared into Affavan's mist.

Hux let out a furious scream and turned towards his men.

"Follow them! I want this ship destroyed before they can reach the Hollastin Run, is that clear? Switch! You're going too! Execution!"

The mercenary frowned, but now that he was without the protection of his group, he didn't have any other choice than going after the TIE with the other soldiers.

Poe and Ly'ra reached the Run quickly, leaving Affavan and its problems behind them. Luckily for them, the sight of a TIE Fighter stopped any possible idea of an attack by the pirates on their way. But, as they thought they were finally free, Poe frowned.

"We've got company..."

Ly'ra glanced down at the radar and let out a cuss. It should have been obvious that Hux wouldn't let her go so easily. As Dameron was getting busy with firing at the Fighters that were after them, the young woman was trying to find a way out. BB8 started beeping quickly.

"No, no BB, we can't go there. Switch must have given the information to the First Order!"

The little droid shook his head and took out from his body a destroyed GPS. Ly'ra smiled at him and formed a V with her thumb and her pinky finger. A gesture that BB8 quickly imitated with one of his pliers.

"You really are the best Buddy!"

BB8 happily beeped before connecting himself with the ship.

"What's the plan?"

"BB8 is giving me the Resistance's base location."

"What? No, wait... And what about Switch?"

Ly'ra shook her head, but this move suddenly made her dizzy. The ship started swaying dangerously.


The pilot rectified the Fighter trajectory, trying her best to gather her strength, but her vision was starting to blur.

"S-sorry... BB8 had destroyed the transmitter before he followed Switch out of the Dawn. The Resistance is safe. At least, I-it will be if we can get out of here without being followed... Or killed. Shit..."

Poe finally looked back and noticed the young woman's pallidness. He removed the seatbelt and went to see her wound.

"P-Poe, not now..."

"Stop that okay? Ly'ra you're losing too much blood..."

BB8 started beeping madly, as he saw a Fighter getting dangerously closer. Poe and Ly'ra looked back and saw the ship arming its lasers and getting ready to fire. After all they'd been through and only few moments away from the victory, the First Order finally found them back. Unconsciously, Ly'ra tightened her hold around Poe's shirt while the pilot took her in his arms, trying to protect her from the explosion in vain.

After few seconds, the ship exploded. Dameron looked up and frowned at the sight of the destroyed Fighter behind them.

"So... Commander? You're having fun without us? That's not really nice of you!"

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