Chapter 6: Confidence and Haysian smelt.

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The group left the Resistance several hours ago and was now flying to the Outer Rim and towards Affavan. Poe and Ly'ra stayed silent most of the times, both focused on the flight. BB8 was often coming in the cockpit to make a report on a regular basis to the young woman. Intrigued by all the going and coming of the droid, Dameron finally faced its young master.

"How did you get a double B unit? I thought..."

"That only the Resistance had an access to the new droid technology? Nope... Actually I found him on Coruscant, he was used as a ball by the son of a smuggler. I offered him another possibility and he didn't leave my side since. He's the best copilot you could dream of!"

Poe nodded slowly. The young woman seemed pretty relaxed and thus, he thought it might be the good moment for him to try and know her better.

"I was thinking... We're leaving for a dangerous mission and we were more or less forced to cooperate..."

Ly'ra arched a brow, a small smile appearing on the corner of her lips, but she stayed silent wanting to see what the pilot was trying to do.

"...We should try and know each other better... Just for... You know..."

"To try and develop some kind of trust between us maybe? Let me warn you Dameron, you'll know nothing about me..."

The Commander let out a small sigh and, after having triggered the ship in autopilot, he turned and faced Ly'ra, crossing his arms on his chest.

"I already know that Leïa trusts you with her life. That you went on Affavan and Coruscant at least once, and that contrary to what you might show, you have a heart big enough to save a little droid that most people would have left behind."

He let his words dive in her before continuing on:

"I also know that you're an amazing pilot and a short tempered mecanic."

Ly'ra stayed silent, her green eyes still fixed on the stars in front of them.

"What I don't know is the reason behind Leïa's trust. How did you know her?"

The young woman hesitated. She didn't really want to talk about her past, and even less about this part of her past, but Dameron was right on one point. They needed to learn to trust each other, and it started with some kind of truth in the group.

"She saved me. Few years ago. I... Well... I was arrested by the First Order and they wanted to put me to death the next day, but Leïa helped me escape."

"Why didn't you join the Resistance then?"

The young pilot finally turned and faced Poe. He seemed genuily curious and interested by her story. But despite this, she couldn't say everything. Maybe just a little more though.

"I made them believe in my death. If they find out I'm alive, they'll do everything they can to bring me back. This is a risk too important for the Resistance. And for the General."

Ly'ra took a deep breath and turned her eyes back on the skyline. Poe stayed a moment silent, studying her. He could feel that she didn't say everything, but he didn't want to force her neither. Everyone had a secret, even more in the Resistance.

"And what have you done to annoy them so much?"

A small smile appeared on the young woman's face as she glanced at Poe.

"That's a long story..."

The man nodded softly, a knowing smile appearing. Another moment of silence passed, broke again by Dameron.

"You know you have the same name as..."

"Jyn Erso's mother, a hero of the Rebel Alliance, yes... Lyra. My mom knew her it seems, a long time ago..."

"Another long story I guess?"

Ly'ra let out a small laugh and faced the pilot, arching a brow.

"And you don't wanna know something about me? You're not asking anything..."

This time, the young woman laughed out loud and crossed her arms on her chest, relaxing in her seat, her feet on the dashboard in front of her.

"Oh but I know everything I need about you Commander Poe Dameron... You're considered as the best pilot of the Resistance, you grew up on Yavin IV, your parents fought with the Rebels against the Galactic Empire. Trust is not something you're familiar with and... Oh yes... You're a real seducer..."

Dameron opened his eyes wide in surprise and faced Ly'ra, who was still laughing at him.


"Few days ago, I saw you getting cleared of the bedroom of a woman, half naked, and right after that you were slapped by another... And you dare criticize the mercenaries and their lack of loyalty..."

Poe turned away, trying to hide the red on his cheeks. Of course she saw that. He then followed her gaze on the Galaxy and sighed, suddenly becoming more serious.

"It's always hard to have feeling for somebody when you're not sure to come back to the base everyday. Each mission could be the last and I'm not selfish, I don't wanna force a mourning to a woman I would have started a life with. So yeah... I'm seen as a seducer, but it's easier that way..."

The young woman listened attently. She could only agree with the pilot. She knew this life: getting up everyday, anxious to think that it might the last time. Not trusting anyone because you don't know who works for who. Being betrayed by your own. Losing your family one after another because of the war in the Galaxy. Unconsciously, she started playing with her bracelet, the only jewel she was wearing.

"And you never dated a colleague?"

Ly'ra sighed and shook her head slowly.

"Not since a long time."

Poe understood she wouldn't say anything more today. He looked down at her wrist and frowned.

"Wait... Is that Haysian melt?"

The young woman, lost in her memories, came back to the present day and followed his gaze. When she noticed what he saw, she pulled down her sleeve, hiding the jewel.


"And the stones...?"

Ly'ra sighed and turned her eyes on the pilot, this time really pissed off.

"These are Stygium fragments, yes. Not enough to help Leïa though, because I would already have given them to her."

She was saved by BB8 who was coming back to make a report. The young woman stood up and signed him to follow her.

"Okay, come on, let see that..."

Poe looked at her walking away. A jewel like hers was really expensive. Most people would have sold it in exchange of food or to leave the poverty behind them. But she kept it and it seemed important for her, like a memory. A good or a bad one, he couldn't tell. But the mystery around this girl was becoming really frustrating and the pilot didn't like that kind of riddle.

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