Chapter 16: Revelation.

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Poe and Ly'ra were taken out of the Hutt's Palace, highly guarded by a complete squad of Stormtroopers, with Armitage Hux leading the group. They crossed Affavan Prime silently and, while Dameron was trying to lock onto the young woman's gaze, to check if she was alright, Ly'ra had kept her eyes fixed right in front of her, looking up at the horizon. They both knew that the pilot's words were true, that Dante, Jay and the others would not come back for them. But there was another problem. One of them betrayed the group. One of them was guiding everyone to their death and would simply destroy the Resistance. Without exchanging a single word, the two pilots had the same idea in mind: finding out who could have done such a thing. They both trusted their own teams, but the distrust they had for each other when they first met could only grow back between them. Each of them thinking that it was the other's fault. It was what should have tormented them right now anyway.

But, when the Stormtroopers slowed down, Ly'ra looked up at the grey building in front of them. Several soldiers were in faction around it and, it seemed that the only entrance point was right in front of them. Hux stepped closer to the guard at the door and Poe could sneak closer to the young woman.

"Hey... Are you alright?"

Without even looking at him, the pilot nodded slowly her head, keeping her voice low to avoid being heard by the General.

"It doesn't matter anymore now. We're about to have bigger problems in very few times..."

Poe took a quick glance at the soldiers around them, but they didn't seem to really pay attention anyway as he didn't have any way to escape. He stepped even closer to the young woman, slowly raising his cuffed hands to softly turn her face so he could look right into her eyes.

"I am not talking about that Ly'ra. Are you alright?"

Surprised, the pilot arched a brow. They were about to be tortured and maybe even killed, but right now, Poe Dameron was worried about her? During a very short moment, she almost forgot where they were and what was about to happen to them. During this very short moment, feelings that she thought she had buried long ago, invaded her completely. She felt Dameron's thumb very gently wiping the blood away from her lower lip and she closed her eyes, feeling that her heart was about to explode.

"Let's go!"

And just like that, the moment was over. Ly'ra felt a hand grabbing her violently and led her through the corridors. She knew that Poe was just as maltreated as her, just behind her. After several seconds, the group stopped. There was a door on each side of the corridor. Hux turned around to face them, offering a cruel smirk. He gestured so the left door was being opened and Ly'ra froze. The room was nearly empty, except for a table and a droid. The young woman recognised it as she saw it worked before. After the end of Triple Zero under Vader's reign, the First Order used the same idea of a droid specialized in torturing people. Snoke accepted and Ly'ra was the witness of the creation of these new models. This one was programmed to extort important informations out of the prisoners placed under its guard. Its presence shouldn't even have surprised her.

"You do remember him, don't you?"

Ly'ra started to step back, but Hux was closer than she thought and the young pilot bumped into him, her back against his chest. He then placed his hands around her waist, feeling her stiffened under his touch. He buried his face in her dark curls and took a deep breath before whispering in her ear.

"I thought you would be happy to see it again. That it would remind you of the good old times. But you know what? I'm really tempted to save you from that... It's up to you..."

Ly'ra freed herself by hitting him with her shoulder and stepped into the room before removing her jacket. Her back was facing the door and Hux noticed only then the scars on her skin, her red corset hardly hiding the burns on her back. He winced and turned away, facing back Dameron. The General smiled at the look the pilot was giving to the young woman. A cold smile just like his gaze. Once the door closed and Ly'ra inside, Poe was alone, surrounded by First Order soldiers. Hux stepped closer, studying him attently. The pilot arched a brow.

"Wait... Do you wanna kiss me too? Sorry mate, but you're not really my type..."

"You think you're funny and clever right?"

"Oh well my mum was often telling me that I was the most intelligent little boy she ever saw. But you know... Mums must probably think the same way about their kids."

Poe stopped a second and frowned, tilting slightly his head.

"Wait... You do have a mum, don't you?"

A cold rage was slowly appearing on Hux's face and he furiously gestured the soldier to bring the pilot inside the second room. The door opened and Poe was pushed inside, his jacket removed and thrown in a corner. The General followed the move and let the door closed behind him. The pilot was now hanging with his hands above his head, his feet only few inches away from the ground. And despite this, he couldn't help but wondering what was happening to Ly'ra in the other room. Hux sat in front of him, still studying the man. Several minutes went by, the two men glaring at each other. And finally, the General arched a brow.

"I'm wondering how you could have ended up working with Ly'ra and her outlaw squad... The Resistance must be really desperate to need the help of these kind of people..."

Poe ignored the question. His silence was obviously annoying Hux who gestured for the droid to start. The pilot felt a violent electric shock in his back and he gritted his teeth.

"Please Commander. It's just a polite conversation, nothing more. You're no use anyway, I will have all the informations I need in very few times."

Dameron was about to drop one of his famous sarcastic replies as an answer, but he was interrupted by a scream coming from the room facing his. The pilot froze before trying to remove his handcuffs, pulling on them with all his strengths. Hux looked at him, obviously amused by the situation and he nodded towards the droid to send another shock. Poe was stroke few seconds and, after another shock, more violent this time, he heard a new scream. He thought a moment that it was his, that the pain forced him to beg but he quickly recognised Ly'ra's voice.

"You're just an asshole!"

Hux arched a brow, his arms crossed on his chest, his voice just as calm as before. He was truly amused by all the situation.

"You know nothing about her and still, you're worried..."

Dameron sent him a hatred look, the same Hux was sending him, and in the same time, the pilot was still trying to untie his hands from the roof.

"I know what she became because of you and the First Order."

And he was waiting for this very moment. Hux bent forward, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

"Oh Commander... But she was working for the First Order."

Hey everyone! First I'd like to thank you for the reads and the votes. I really hope you're enjoying this story! I'm sorry it took some times for the translation, but I've been a bit busy lately and now that I'm free, I'm gonna finish the two books quickly before having no free time again! Second, please do not hesitate to leave a comment, I always love reading your opinions or even do tell me what you think will happen to each character, who's the traitor etc... Last but not least, again sorry for the mistakes you can find, English is not my first language and I'm really trying my best to make it understandable! Again thank you and enjoy the next chapters!

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