The Fall Of The Caslte Of Lions

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Thank you all so much for 100 reads💖💖💖! I made the danxreader I talked about so if you want, you can go check that out. Enjoy!

I watched the Arusians preform their version of the battle, which was very entertaining. I walked over to where Keith, Lance, and Hunk stood. Shiro was out keeping watch because he was parinoid. I was having a good time. It was the first time I got to actually relax in days. Lance said we should get this chant for Voltron. Oh, this would be good. Keith was never good at that sorta thing. Lance said, "When I say Vol, you say Tron, Vol" I giggled as Keith said, "Voltron?" Lance said, "No, the cheer includes the instructions, 'when I say 'vol' you say 'tron''. Vol" "Voltron?" "We'll work on it." I giggled again. Lance drank some of the drink in his cup, and it clearly did not taste very good. I laughed harder as Lance said, "Coran what is this?" Coran said it was some sort of amazing hair tonic. I shrugged and headed into the control room to get away from everyone for a bit. I stopped by Shiro on the way, and said, "Hey big bro, you ok?" He nodded saying, "Something just feels off." I responded, "Maybe it's because you don't know how to relax." He chuckled a little, and went back to standing guard. I said, "I'm going to the control room." He nodded.

When I got in there, Lance was in there looking at all the stars. I knew what this meant:Our talk earlier didn't help much, and he still felt really homesick. I sat next to him and said, "Lance? You ok?" He shook his head saying, "You ever notice how far away the planets are from each other? Like, Earth. I can't see it. The blue oceans, the white clouds, the green grass. I can't see any of it." I knew how he felt. Maybe not to the same extent, but I also lost my home when we went on this expedition. "Lance, you just have to know that we're going to save so many lives, including our families'. We have to do it for them." I smiled, "Okay?" He smiled back, "Okay. Thanks y/n" he said, pulling me into a hug. "We should get back to the party," I said. We started to walk out of the control room, when Rover came in. "Hey Rover." Lance said. I kept walking as Lance slowed down. I turned, curious as to what he was doing, and he said, "Wait...where's Pidge?" Realization hit him and he screamed, "Y/N LOOK OUT!" and pushed me out of the way as the bomb exploded.

I heard faint talking, and my ears were ringing. My body ached and I could tell I was in someone's lap. I opened my eyes with difficulty to see Keith looking at me worriedly. I could hear him saying, "Y/n? Are you ok?" I nodded, sitting up slowly. Lance. "Where's Lance?" I asked, still unsure of what happened. I saw him being cradled by Shiro. He didn't look good at all. Coran and Hunk ran off to go get some crystal or something to fix the castle, meanwhile Keith and Allura went to go help the village. She said, "Y/n, stay with Shiro and Lance, okay?" I nodded, and looked back to Lance. Keith looked hesitant to leave me, but Shiro looked at him reassuringly. This was all crazy. The castle is down. Lance is unconscious. We were just talking about Earth, and we're going back to the party to relax. He pushed me out of the way. This should be me. I shook my head, knowing that those thoughts wouldn't help anyone now.

Shiro and I walked to the front with Lance on his shoulders. On the walk he said, "Y/n no matter what happens to me or anyone else, I need you to promise me that you will stay safe no matter what." I said, "I promise, Shiro." We were almost to the front when Shiro froze. "Sendak." He laid Lance down on the ground, and said, "Y/n stay here and keep you and Lance safe." "Ok. Shiro, be careful...I mean it." He nodded. He and Sendak started fighting almost immediately, and I didn't pay attention to the comments they were making. I don't think Sendak reconized either of us, and I hoped with all my soul he didn't. He might be even more aggressive. I was focused on Shiro, when I felt a nudge of a Galra gun on my back. Fantastic. I turned and put my hands up. I knew I had to act quickly because I could hear Shiro's fight not going in his favor behind me. I quickly summoned my bayard, got my gun, and shot the droid. I didn't account for the other two behind me, and one kicked me to my knees. He hit his gun accross my head, and I saw Shiro also being knocked out before all I saw was black.

The next chapter will be a little different than the episode, but it'll follow the same premise. Thanks for reading, bye💖

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