Rebirth {part 2}

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Ok, I'm sorry again for all the confusion and craziness. I will try to update as on schedule as I can. I've also decided to start just getting the basics of the episode, and having more of my own stuff in the chapters. This way, it'll be better than just reading the episodes and it'll be more fun for me. Also, thank you so much to everyone who votes and comments. Those things mean a lot to me so thank you and have a blessed day💖 Enjoy!


"How long before it's core collapses?" Shiro asked. "Probably a couple of hours," Coran said. Allura suggested that we evacuate the planet and get the Balmerans to safety. "Ok, that sounds like a good plan, but how on Earth do you plan on landing the Castle with that monster-thingy on the surface?" Hunk asked. We decided to 'provoke and evade the beast rather than defeating it. "Ok, here's the thing. I'm worried that we're going to be really, really good at the provoking part, and then like really bad at the evading part." I said. Hunk responded, "If this is what it takes to save Shay and everyone on the planet, then I'm in." I nodded, signaling I was also in. This was going to be interesting.

Your POV

Keith turned to Shay, "Can you contact the other Balmerans?" Shay responded, "I can, but I know not what they'll say. Leave our planet? Our home?" Allura told her, "It's the only option. I'm coming down." Coran objected but Allura told him that someone needed to lead these people. We were instructed to distract the robot while she came down, so that's what we did semi-well. It kept shooting at us, and we kept trying to avoid. One shot was going straight for Katie and I dove in front taking the full hit. I grunted in pain as Katie asked worriedly if I was ok. "Yeah, I'm good. You owe me one." She giggled and agreed. We heard over the intercom that Allura had landed. She was talking to the Balmerans and by the sound of it, they didn't want to leave. 

She finally convinced them to leave, and we started evacuating the Balmerans. Meanwhile, the rest of us were struggling to fight off this monster. "Remember when I said we didn't have to beat this thing?" Shiro asked. "Yeah, I remember that.." I said. "We might have to beat it." He said. I rolled my eyes slightly. We formed Voltron, and Hunk said his lion was telling him what to do. We formed Voltron and he formed a shoulder canon. We fought off this monster, and the Balmera was restored to full health. We knocked the monster down, and thought we had won. As always, however, it came back. It got up, and as it was about to walk to us, crystals formed around it and encased it. The Balmera saved us.

That night, we were waiting to leave the Balmera, and I was in my room in the castle. Keith walked in. "Hey." He said. I nodded, putting something away in my drawer. I turned to him, "You know, we haven't really been able to talk about us. With all the missions, and the whole saving the universe..." I moved closer, "We haven't been talking." He smiled slightly and looked down. "What's there to talk about?" I smiled, "Well. First off, we haven't kissed since before we broke-" I was cut off by his lips colliding with mine. I was surprised, but slowly closed my eyes, savoring every moment. Our lips moved in sync, like they did before. It had been so long since I had kissed him, I forgot how amazing it felt to get lost in his kiss. His lips were soft, and tasted sweet. Almost like candy. I moved my hands and entangled my fingers with his hair as his hands moved down to my waist, pulling me closer. We broke apart, and I rested my forehead on his. He brought his hands up to my cheeks. "How was that for a kiss?" He asked. I giggled and kissed him again. He pushed me onto the bed, and pulled off his shirt.

Ok, I can't write smut (at all) so imma leave it there. Thank you all so much for being so patient and amazing with all the crazy updates. I'm now on spring break so there will be chapters posted randomly as well as on their normal days. 

Matthew 14:19

Thanks for reading; bye💖

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