Taking Flight

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Thank you all SO much for 200 reads! Enjoy!

Your POV

I walked into the dining room, and saw Lance being told what happened. I stood by Shiro, and Keith walked in behind me. He looked out of breath, and he sat down by Lance and joined in on the updating. From what I heard, Sendak was in the castle and Hunk desperately wanted to get to the Balmera. I was still thinking about my nightmare. They're starting to feel more and more real. They're not about my past anymore either. I never knew about Voltron when I was little. Sendak wasn't in my last dream, which is weird considering what I just went through with him. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Or maybe I should talk to Allura. I was dragged out of my thoughts by Shiro saying, "Alright let's get moving. Time to defend the universe." I nodded, and started walking out. Katie stopped us saying, "Wait. I have to say something first. I need to come clean. I'm afraid this may change the way you all think about me. Just so there are no secrets between us anymore, I can't 'man up'. I'm a girl. I mean, I can 'man up' because that's just a figure of speech, I don't have to actually be a man to 'man up'. I just have to be tough. But what-" Lance cut her off, "What? You're a girl? How?" I giggled at how startled he was, considering most of us knew already. Allura said, "I've known for some time, but I'm glad you've shared it with everyone." "Yeah, I figured." "Oh, yeah, me too." "Wait, we were supposed to think you were a boy?" "Pidge owning who you are is going to make you a better paladin." I didn't say anything, because I knew she knew I'd known. I just smiled because I was proud of her. "Alright, Let's get this ship off the ground," I said, ready to get off of this planet. Lance seemed even more confused, so we all started walking out. 

We all sat down in our seats, and finally took off from planet Arus. We were on our way to the Balmera, and Hunk asked, "So when we get there to we just roll up and start blasting, or do we have some kind of public address system, like, 'Attention, Galra, this is Voltron. Turn yourselves in'?" They started talking about how we'd get the Galra off the planet, but I didn't care how. Just that we get them off and there are no lives lost in the process. I heard an alarm, and assumed we were being attacked. According to Allura, however, it was a distress beacon. Some ship that lost power, so we decided to go and check it out to see if we could be of any help. Hunk obviously wanted to go to the Balmera first but Allura said, "The paladin code states that we must help all those in need." Lance got excited and said, "Wow. This is so cool. It's like we're space cops on space patrol. Coran, do we have a siren we can turn on?" Coran said, "No, but we could record you making a siren noise, and broadcast that." "Perfect!" Lance then started making siren noises, but Shiro put a hand to Lance's mouth and said, "Nope. Not doing that." 

When we got to the moon this ship was broken down on, we landed the castle, and met these people. There was a girl, a guy, and a cute little robot who Katie fell in love with immediately. They said they were on the run from the Galra, but I got a weird feeling about these guys. I couldn't desifer what the feeling was, but it wasn't good. The guy introduced himself as Rolo, the girl as Nyma, and Beezer the little robot. Lance obviously was very attracted to Nyma and started flirting while Katie obssessed over Beezer. Hunk was very anxious to get going, so they started to work right away. I leaned over to Keith and said, "I have a bad feeling about this." He said, "I'm sure it's fine. Well fix their ship and be on our way." I shrugged. I listened back into the conversation, and Hunk was not allowing Rolo into the castle. "Oh, I'm sorry, but does anyone remember the last time we let our defenses down? Someone kind of set off a bomb. Remember, Lance? Y/N? You were both almost killed." I looked down and said, "I remember." Lance said something similar, and Keith grabbed my hand. I looked up and smiled at him. Shiro agreed with Hunk, so he went get the parts. 

Rolo was telling us about the Galra, and his story. "My planet was destroyed by the Galra and I was taken captive. I managed to escape, but not before I lost something." Rolo knocked on his prosthetic leg. Shiro said, "I know exactly how that feels." He flexed his arm, showing it was a prosthetic. I smiled sadly at Shiro, and turned to see Hunk coming out of the ship with a trunk load of parts for Rolo's ship. Allura questioned Rolo, "So what can you tell us about Zarkon's forces? Where are they concentrated?" "Well, his comand ship sits right in the center of the Empire. He mostly calls the shots from there and has his minions do the work, depending on who's closest. This is the territory of a real nasty bugger named Sendak." Keith said, "Oh we've met." I could hear the loathing in his voice. Shiro started to question Rolo again, but I walked off to a spot a little ways away from the campsite. I looked at the stars, and remembered how when I was little I would always stargaze with Shiro. I always loved the galaxy, and the idea of multiple universes. I would gush to Shiro about all of this, and he'd always listen with a smile on his face. I smiled at the memory, and heard a door open behind me. I turned to see Lance taking Nyma inside. "Oh no." I followed them in, and he took her to his lion so I went to mine. I decided to follow them. I waited to for the blue lion to fly off, waited a few more seconds, and flew behind it keeping my distance. I didn't want him to know I was trailing him. As I was following Lance, I got that feeling again. That something wasn't right. I shook it off, and concentrated on following Lance and making sure he didn't get killed. 

I saw Rolo's ship land on the planet we were on, and take the blue lion. I sighed, and followed the ship. I saw out of the corner of my eye, that Lance was tied to a tree, but I was focused on getting the blue lion. I starting shooting, but they evaded. I spoke to the team, saying, "Guys. Nyma and Rolo stole the blue lion and Lance is tied to a tree." I heard a lot of  "What?" "Listen, they are about to fly into an asteroid feild but my lion can't manuver in there. Keith you need to come get them out of the asteroid belt and get the blue lion back." Hunk was rambling about how he was right, but honestly I didn't care. When they went into the feild, I stopped my lion, and saw the others come up behind me. Keith went in to flush them out.

We got the blue lion back, and I went to get Lance from that tree. I was nice about it, but he didn't get off without a lecture. We eventually got in the caslte, and on our way to the Balmera. I was very excited about our next mission, and hoped that it would go smoothly.

Sorry for the late update! There will not be a new book published tomorrow, but there will probably be next Sunday. Thanks for reading, bye💖

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