First day

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Author's note: I'm starting a brand new story after finishing with my maylor one. This one had been in my head for a while. Long first chapter to start off!

Hope you enjoy!

When John joined the band it was like Roger suddenly had the missing puzzle piece from his life just handed to him. Like what had he even been doing before that first band practice where they had matched tempo and John had quietly turned to him with a grin. The cheeky brat had sped up the beat a notch without mercy to anyone else. That little shit.

Roger had banged he drums with all he had. taking the new speed in stride. They both had glanced at each other and for a second Roger was sure that time stood still. Roger was glad that he had been wearing his glasses at the time because he caught every detail in John's face. He was young and joyful while glancing at Roger like he was the only person in the room. They had a private moment in the middle of a song, not caring that they had friends in the room.

Roger followed the way that John's tongue peaked out to wet his lips. It definitely wasn't needed because they didn't look dry. They were slightly red and luscious. Roger wanted to do dirty things to those lips and the person attached to them. He wondered if John would be opposed to the opportunity or would he like if Roger just leant in close and took what he wanted. He had kissed one other guy in his life and suddenly that drunk make out session with Freddie made more sense.

Suddenly he was self conscious with his glasses on; he didn't think they looked good on him and wanted to make the best impression possible. Roger's hand twitched upward to take them off and John caught his wrist. "You look really good in glasses. It shows off how smart you really are." John explained like he knew things about Roger even though they had just met. His glasses didn't seem so bad after that, and it was nice being able to see properly. See John properly, cause the rest of the world didn't really matter.

After practice was over, Roger had collapsed onto the couch in shear exhaustion. He had had a crazy night the night before, not that he could remember it and his head still aches with a hangover. That was why he was wearing his glasses in the first place, to be easy on his head.
John had easily slunk over and planted himself into Roger's side. Like the devil tempting him with long hair and pretty eye lashes; Roger was powerless to do anything but press back into John and give him no space. Together they took up one section of a love seat, leaving enough room for Brian to spaciously sit beside Roger. He had never been so interested in sharing oxygen.

Roger has approved and appreciated the warmth that he received from the other man. Their legs were touching and Roger could have angled himself to lay his head down on John's shoulder if he wanted to. It was like they had this thing together that went unspoken. John and Roger the brand new dynamic duo. Roger couldn't wait to both show and share the world with John.

The band was talking about getting takeout and their first show together in 3 weeks. Roger easily hooked an arm around John's waist and just held him in place without second thought. Conversation was light as they argued over who wanted to eat what and Roger never once got angry. That was a good feeling, as usually him being hungover meant he was one step to the edge of throwing things. John's body warmth kept him unmoving and firmly in place.

This was only their second practice as a band and it was already perfect. John had figured out the dynamics and exactly when he needed to argue. Which to be fair, wasn't very often because the other three had loud personalities cornered and it was probably best to have someone actually level headed. It was easy to tell that John would be good for all of them.

The man was quiet and shy, which is why Roger leaned farther in every time he spoke. He was confident that once John got used to them, he would be more outspoken. He could already picture John being the perfect master of sass, countering back to Roger's own angry ways. Yes, Roger had apparently always needed a John Deacon in his life and he just hadn't met him before now.

The best part was that Freddie was definitely getting annoyed that John had chosen to sit next to Roger instead of him. They huddled close together and giggled over nothing, like old friends instead of new. Roger loved the way that John's hair seemed to static cling to his own, the universe connecting them together. He pointed it out and Brian gave him a lecture about the universe from across the couch. He tuned it out when John quietly agreed with him.

Freddie's desperation to have John attention made Roger grin widely. Freddie was trying to be his best charming self and kept offering John more space next to him. Roger was thrilled that Freddie was jealous and that he was the one chosen. Brian looked a bit put out that he wasn't asked to go to Freddie. Roger chose not to point that one out, as he new that his friends would figure everything out eventually.

"John darling, you shouldn't get so close to Roger. You can never know where he's been. There's plenty of space over here, but we can cuddle if you'd like." Freddie tried with a smile, still careful not to show his teeth to the newest member. It would be weeks before Freddie was ready to do that, no matter how much confidence the man had.

John's response was to curl farther into Roger and the blond had to send Freddie a smirk. "Leave him alone Fred, the man knows what he wants and it's not you."

No matter his words, Roger suddenly wished that he hadn't been up to no good last night. He wondered if John could smell the sex and scent of woman on him. The thought made his stomach churn and he felt a bit sick. John deserves better then him, but the solution wasn't Freddie either.

"Besides, you're just as bad. Why don't you call Mary up for a cuddle?" Roger pointed out, a bit cruelly to one of his best friends. That was a bit of a sore spot and he knew it.

The betrayal on Freddie's face was nearly the best moment of Roger's day. Besides when John had curled up to him or winked at him or complimented his glasses. Actually, it probably wasn't even top ten. Today was a fucking amazing day. Would every day with John be like this?

"Or better yet, Brian's just sitting here bored and lonely. You to can take one couch and we'll take this one. Two couples, one big cuddly rock band." Roger was mostly just teasing, but he liked the way Brian's face lit up red anyways. John caught on to the game pretty fast and snickered as well, curling so that they touched each other's cheeks at an uncomfortable angle and rubbing them together. It was weird and not something that he ever would have done; Roger loved it.

John pulled back to finally join in on the conversation; "I'm a big fan of blondes." The voice was smooth and without a hitch. John was absolutely perfect with fucking with people. Or just maybe, he was telling the truth and Roger was his type. He licked his lips at the very thought. Freddie's eyes nearly bulged out of his head in shock. Roger was proud of the boy that he had his arm around.

There was a pause for silence and then all four men were giggling like little children. It was nice that they all fit together so well. Like John had already been a member of the family even before he had met them. It was perfect and the smile imprinted on Roger's face wouldn't leave. He didn't want it to.

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