The first time

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Author's note: And we begin the smut chapter of this story. A bit of a challenge to write after I've been focused on fluff for the last three weeks. Hope you enjoy and there will be more hotness to come!

Waking up to John had been an experience, especially as Roger always woke up after a night of drinking to what he had started to call hangover horny. Like, his head ached from the drinks he had ingested and his balls seemed to also ache from the pain. Okay, it wasn't that bad and he was just pleasantly hard. The pain made him oversensitive to lights and touch. He desperately wanted something to rub against, when he remember exactly how he had ended the night.

Looking over he was presented with a beautifully tired, sleeping John. He looked gorgeous, laying there and dozing on Roger pillow. Innocent and open for Roger taking if he so chose it. It was hard to resist, but the hangover was wrecking his judgement. He just wanted to rut against that warm and have John writhe back. The other started to twitch and wake as Roger watched close, taking into the sight for the first time. They were both out of their jeans, but still in pants and shirts.

This was the first time that he had ever woken up with John and he wanted to remember this moment. He wanted more first this morning, but pushed those thoughts away for the moment. His John was here and trusting him. Roger wouldn't let him down. He glanced downwards even though he told himself not to and took in the sight of John's morning wood. It was nice to know that he wasn't the only one with a bit of a problem this morning. John looked very handsome, pressing erect against loose underwear. It was tempting in ways that Roger couldn't begin to explain.

John groaned and flopped a bit closer to Roger, chasing the warmth of the blond's body as sleep faded away into the morning mood. Roger couldn't wait for the rest of their lives to be exactly like this, but it's seemed a bit aggressive to simply demand John move in after they spent a single night together. If Freddie and Brian finally got their shit together all four of them could live in the apartment.

He pressed up against John's warm front. He took notice that John was also hard once more.
Judging by the eyes innocently blinking at him, he was also now very awake. There is a fawn like innocents in the way that John blinks those wide eyes at him, despite the way that they strain against one another. Roger is beginning to crave seeing that lovely look in John's eyes pointed at him. They kissed just like that, neither one bothering to close their eyes. They stared longingly together even as they finally touched lips, John dreamily giving in to Roger without issue.

Pulling back slightly, Roger took in the sight of his best boy and the way that he was panting. The brunette looked a bit confused and probably could use a good amount of water in his system. Maybe some pain pills. He had never looked more beautiful to Roger. The blond was careful as he moved a bit for friction, not wanting to jolt the other incase he wasn't feeling that well. John had been smashed to Roger's mostly sober by the end of the night and he might feel a bit sick. Not everyone got horny hurt like Roger did.

That didn't stop the younger from rocking his hips into Roger's, letting out a breathless moan when their cock's brushed together. It was the first time that they had brushed together and it felt wonderful. Roger could lose it if they did this long enough, and could fantasize doing this down the road. Waking up together, talking about what they'd do for the day and rutting to get off before showering together. A perfect morning for them to laze and love each other.

Shit, Roger was supposed to be older and more responsible. This did not qualify as taking care of John. He didn't hump his friends. They hadn't talked about this at all and might be moving fast by even Roger's standards. Did it matter though, because Roger was so sure that they were soul mates. Brought together through arranged universal need and rock and roll music.

"John, tell me you want this." Roger begged, desperate for confirmation. This would be it if John would just give him the go ahead.

"Kiss me Rog." John gasped out with another slight hump and Roger was powerless but to obey. Lips met lips and it was very much a tired morning kiss. That last for only a moment as both men got far more familiar with one another.

Soft lips were quickly followed by a smothering amount of tongue. John still tasted faintly of whiskey from last night and they both could use a toothbrush, nothing could have ever been more perfect. Roger was addicted to the taste, and licked inwards. Persistent tongue mapped John's willing mouth and lapped up everything he was willing to give. It was wet and filthy, everything Roger ever liked about kissing. John was perfect.

Lips detached and there was no time to think as Roger dived down slightly, yanking the shirt John was still wear out of the way. Teeth hit skin in a possessive manner and John let out the most beautiful moan Roger had ever heard. It was hard enough that the marks would stay clearly visible for coming days and show the world that John was well loved.

"That's so everyone will know your mine." Roger growled out possessively. He could only hope that he didn't scare John with this new mood of his, because he had never felt anything like this before. It was like his body was barely under his control at all, only craving and wanting for whatever John was willing to give him.

"Yes, love it. Bite again please!" John writhed against him, and Roger loved how his brunette was. John was the perfect creature, responsive and willing for Roger's touch. Roger had kink coming out right now that he hadn't even known he had had. Or was that just his subconscious reacting to what John liked, making sure that they were in sync? It was hard to tell, and Roger didn't exactly have a lot of brain power left over at that moment.

Roger let his teeth sink in right beside the last bite, less hard this time. He added a sucking motion that had John clinging to him. Roger needed more confirmation and even more then that, he needed to hear John's voice. Wrecked and stuttering for him.

"John, I need to know what you want from me."

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