A night out part 2

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Author's note: Well this one just about finished itself. We have fluff and talking amongst the band. Couldn't resist a bit more cute before another naughty bit.

Hope you enjoy!

"Look Roger, it's almost like we're on a double date now!" John exclaimed sweetly while leaning his head on Roger's shoulder. The blond's mouth went a bit dry at the implication and he got a clear view of the other two men sputtering over the comment.

"Yeah babe, this is definitely a date. Right boys?" Roger knew he shouldn't be taunting his friends like this, but couldn't help it. He'd always had quite the chaotic personality. Besides, John seemed to like the way that he teased.

Freddie and Brian glanced over at one another, inches apart. The blush seemed to spread from one man to another as they finally looked into each other's eyes. Roger thought for a second that they would kiss, but they both turned away instead. Great, even Freddie was being bashful.

John made up for the moment that wasn't by grabbing Roger face to receive his full attention. He nuzzled his face into Roger's neck and breathed in, like he had been wanting the scent of his aftershave all night. Maybe he had, John seemed to be good at hiding those kind of things.

"Missed you so much Rog over the past days. You don't think I'm desperate do you?" John whimpered out, clearly embarrassed. Roger wanted to tease, but the thought of how many times he had desperately tried to call John in the last few days kept his mouth shut. Had John even realized just how many times his phones had been ringing?

"Johnny if anyone's desperate it's me, I was going crazy trying to get ahold of you. I had dreams about you every night." Roger said with no fear, he felt that John deserves the truth.

John blushed a beautiful red color and nuzzles even farther into Roger. "I dreamed about you too. Made me feel naughty, thinking about you like that when you weren't there." John's voice was low and sweet; like he knew exactly what he was doing to Roger.

Roger swallowed harshly, and he knew that John could feel it while pushed up against his neck. That wasn't exactly what he had been thinking that John would say to him. His pants felt a bit tighter then they had before. John looked a bit nervous when he didn't reply right away, and Roger laughed at the situation. They were a ridiculous pair, and so meant for one another.

"I thought about you too; the way you tasted on  my tongue and how you looked while trying not to choke on my dick. We could have that later tonight if you want, could have it every night." Roger growled into his close companions ear. Freddie and Brian were still distracted in their own little worlds thankfully. If they hadn't been Roger would have gladly just announced it to the whole table. He wasn't shy, and needed to John to know how much he cared.

John pulled back to look into his squinted eyes,  and Roger took in the details of his face. John eyes crinkled with joy much like Brian's always seemed to and when he smiled his entire face showed that expression. He had a tooth gap that made his already innocent looking face adorable, and most importantly John looked at Roger like he had hung the moon.

"You won't get tired of having me around?" John sounded unsure, and Roger was having none of that.

"Babydoll, you're all I ever want in life. I'm not gonna get tired of you, I want you around all the time. We'll make music by day and sweet love all night. Doesn't that sound great John?" There was no joke in his tone, and Roger had never been more serious about anything in his entire life. He was 100 percent off the deep end for John and needed him to realize that.

It was regretful that John wasn't the one that replied, as Roger had nearly forgotten they weren't alone. "Bloody hell darling, Rog you might as well just propose with a declaration like that. Give our new boy some space to breath why don't you?" Freddie teased, but Roger could tell by his tone that he was only half joking.

"It sounds great to me Roger, I'm so glad I met you." John answered, pointedly ignoring Freddie's last comment.

Freddie let out a whine when he realized that John had no intention of acknowledging his comment, but Brian was quick to comfort him. Choosing that moment to bring a hand up to tug a bit on a piece of Freddie's hair. "I think you two are cute together." Brian stated like the good friend he was. Freddie melted against the taller man with a distracted smile.

The conversation from there on out was light and everyone was in a good mood. They remained in their pairs of two, cuddle together and ignoring the rest of the world. Each man still had a half full glass of beer that was probably borderline warm with how long they had been sitting there. No one had been interested in getting drunk for once and it was a wonderful thing. Maybe there wasn't much of a point now that they all had the objects of their desires.

"Our performance was amazing, we were on top form! Soon enough those pubs are gonna be begging us to come back and play because they crowd will be wherever we are." Roger bragged. He was so proud of them all, and knew that with this group his dreams were so close to reality. Except it would be even better then he used to picture, because John would be right there with him.

"Get used to it darling, we're going to be rockstars." Freddie said without a speck of doubt in his voice. Brian cheered happily at those words, laughing like he was drunk.

"Couldn't have done it without John's amazing base skills. It's what we needed all along." Brian finally joined in, complimenting John with joy. "I was beginning to think we'd never find the right person and then it turns out we just had to find Roger's soulmate. That easy."

John blushed, but thanked Brian. "It's Roger's drumming skills that are amazing, never heard anything like it. Base always needs a good drum line beside it or it sounds like shit." John giggled out, trying to turn the attention from himself.

"Yeah well, that's nothing compared to those dancing skills of yours. Out of nowhere too." Freddie shot back at John, making the younger man fidget in his seat against Roger. The blond snorted at his movement and hooked an arm around to hold him still.

"Yeah, I was surprised to see you wiggling about of stage like that. Like you owned the stage, and couldn't help but bop to my drum beat." Roger teased, leaving out the bit about the coy ass shakes that had definitely been aimed in his direction. John was already embarrassed enough, no need to add to it.

"Never would have even made it to stage without you." John said sincerely, and captured the moment by leaning forward to kiss Roger's cheek.

Their friends awed as it was Roger's turn to turn red. What a lovely date night.

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