The first time part 4

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Author's note: This is going so well and I'm happy with it. I thought that this would be the last part, but I'm actually planning another. Don't like just leaving it off with smut. We need a bit more. ;)

Chasing upward for a kiss, Roger was pleased to be able to taste himself on John's lips. Good, it should always be that way. If he was cheeky and pressed his tongue inside right now then he was sure he'd be able to lick it his own salty taste that probably still clung to the inside of John's cheek. If that wasn't a turn on, then nothing was.

Those briefs of John's were now in Roger's way and he peeled them off the other man one leg at a time. It was easy to take note in the way that John's free cock sprung up to smack at his stomach. Someone was more then a little bit excited. It was thrilling to have evidence that it wasn't just him.

Thighs were on his shoulder as he folded John as far as he would go, liking the groan that sprung from his baby's lips. John was pliant to be moved any which way that Roger desired. It was hot. Roger blew softly on his dick, chuckling when it twitched. The sound John made was nearly inhuman in pitch, and it only spurred Roger on. His baby had the most lovely voice and he was kind of glad that John insisted he couldn't sing. That voice was all for him.

Now, John had done such an amazing job with that short blow job that Roger didn't want to ruin the mood by being shitty at it. Besides he had something in mind that he already had a bit of precious experience with. He had a feeling John would like it to.

A kiss to the tip of his dick made John whimper. A kiss to the base made him thrash temporarily and Roger grinned, giving his ass a slap.

"Be good for me babe, you'll like the reward." Roger said with a grin. He bit down on sensitive crotch skin just inches away from John's dick next and grinned at John's actual shout. He hadn't moved though, to ready to be a good boy.

A lick to his left ball and a rub of his cheek against the right had John begging needlessly. "Please Rog, I want it. I need you so bad, give it to me. I'll be good." He sounded higher pitch then normal and absolutely out of his mind. Roger wondered just how much experience he had with another person touching him. Had someone else touched his Johnny in the past? Anger filled Roger's sex clouded mind and he harshly hit John ass with his open palm.

It was sexual the way that John screamed his name after being hit, the way he begged for more. This was everything that Roger had ever needed out of life. "P-please again! Do that again, want your hand prints. Rog, please."

He allowed John a moment to writhe, twisting gracefully in his position, in attempt to get anything. It didn't really work with the way that Roger was holding him, but looked deliciously beautiful none the less. He slapped again as that fleeting anger let him; Roger found he couldn't be mad with this gorgeous man under him. Besides, he had another idea.

Teeth lightly scraped against the sensitive sack as a warning and John went still at the feeling. Roger wondered if John knew what he was aiming for yet. He was banking on the answer being no, even with the elevated position.

"You beg so pretty babydoll, just a little longer for that reward." Roger likes being able to feel the full body shudder from John. He can't wait to feel a thousand more in the years to come.

He blew air out at his perineum, just to listen to the desperate sound John let out and he was proud of his boy for not squirming. Roger used a hand to spread those generous ass cheeks farther apart and smiled his tongue over the exposed hole.

John let out a high pitched squeak as Roger went to town, applying wet pressure to the rim while occasionally knocking his head upwards to touch at sensitive balls. He let spit drip out of his mouth as he went, and grinning when eventually his tongue squelched. It was then that he chose to dive inside, while reaching forward to pinch at John's dick. Woman loved when he did that move with their clit, and he was pleased to see it was no different with John.

John let out an actual scream at the feeling and for the first time fought against Roger's hold. "Nooo." John yelped out like he was embarrassed that Roger was doing this to him. Roger knew the truth, because that dick was twitching around and practically jumping with every movement. He was a gentleman though, even tongue deep in his lover's ass.

"What's the matter baby? Don't you like it? I can't always stop if you don't want it." Roger was teasing and serious all at once, knowing that if John said the word he'd pull away.

"Don't fucking stop Rog, never stop. Good, feels go-gooooood." Roger really likes the way that his tongue could make John stutter and even elongate his words like that. Like he was a puppet master, controlling John from the inside out. He hitched the positions a bit more so that John's spine had to feel the stretch.

This had be be the best position ever, Roger on his knees lifting John off the bed, so that only his head was touching. Legs kept apart by Roger, one hooked around his neck and the other pressed back, knee to stomach. His John was was flexible to say the least. The position granted him great access to press his entire face against the tiny entrance. He was incredibly open and all for Roger's taking.

Roger shoved his tongue in with new vigor and pinched John on the head of his dick once more. John came at that moment with a scream of the blond's name. His own streaks of cum hitting his chin do to being bent so much. Roger loved the picture as he lowered him back down into a more comfortable position to catch his breath.

Roger scrambled upward to be kneeling at John head and he stroked his still semi spit soaked cock, chasing towards his own high. He hadn't been far off coming since the moment he woke up hard. Those whole experience had been glorious and now that he had a taste of John he was never going back to not having him.

It was Roger's turn to be whiny and breathless, but it didn't stop him from using his voice. "Fuck baby, you were so good. Coming when I pinched your pretty clit. Open your mouth John, want you to drink it all down. You'll love it, I saw it in your eyes when you were sucking on my fat dick."

Once the words had started, it was like they just wouldn't stop. He didn't even mean to insinuate John had women parts, but loved the blush that appeared on the other's cheeks. It was funny seeing as Roger had just ate him out and now he was deciding to blush. Ever obedient, John opened his mouth and pushed forward slightly. The head of Roger's cock sat on the middle of his extended tongue. He looked tired and semi fucked out, yet still eager to please.

That was all it took for Roger to cum, rocking slightly back and forth as John lay prone. Streak after streak hit the inside of John's mouth and he didn't swallow until it was over. It was a beautiful sight in Roger's mind and his breath hitches as he pulled back and John followed him to lick the tip of his now over sensitive cock clean. Swirling his tongue around to make sure he got everything twice.

Roger slide down and collapsed onto the bed and caught John's lips with his own. "Jesus you're a fucking minx."

John snorted and kissed sweetly, making sure that Roger tasted the last remanence of cum in his mouth. "You just taste good."

Roger licked his chin in retaliation for that and made sure to scoop up John drying spunk with his tongue. He delivered it with glee to the others waiting mouth as they kissed frantically like they both hadn't just cum. It was Roger who decided to be the responsible one and break the kiss.

He swung an arm over John pulling him close for a much needed, hung over post orgasm nap. This was good.

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