The first show part 6

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Author's note: Writing on my work break again. You know how it is. More drunk John as we drive back to Roger's apartment. Hope you enjoy. There's one more chapter to this part.

Brian coughed from the front seat as Roger packed himself into the car as well. He was kind enough to not mention the kiss, even though he had had to have witnessed it. Roger wouldn't have cared if he had said something about it, he wasn't ashamed. That moment had been perfect and he could still feel John lips ghosting on his own. God, a moment had never meant so much to him.

Roger could barely wait until John was sober again to kiss him over and over again. John had probably never drank as much as Roger had supplied him with tonight. He probably wouldn't even remember this in the morning. That was okay though, because Roger would be more then happy to remind him. Until then, he was just hopeless to John's demands.

"Roggie, come back and kiss me again." John said with a serious tone. He sounded less drunk, but Roger knew that was just his head telling him that. He gave in easily and kept his distance all at once.

Roger leaned as close as he could with his own seat belt on and be in the front seat. John leaned forward to meet him with a tired grin present on his face, probably knowing he was getting what he wanted. Roger licked across John's lips and tore away to sit up straight and forward in his seat as Brian started the car. John whimpered at him sweetly, but didn't ask for more. He was such a good boy, knowing just when to wait patiently.

This time he heard Brian swear from the front seat and suddenly Roger felt like he was going to have a problem with the other man. Though, it was probably bad edict to fight with a man while he was driving you somewhere. that seemed like a fast way to get you and your significant other killed. Plus, Brian was a pretty good guitarist and he had plans on the band being together for a very long time. Roger took a deep breath to keep his cool.

"Roger he's drunk, put your moves on each other in the morning." Brian said sounding exasperated. He was like the voice of reason in Roger head. Oh Brian, Roger really did love that guy. So progressive and open minded. One might even say smart, not that Roger would be the one to admit it aloud.

Don't kiss right now, John might not remember in the morning. He will want to remember that kind of thing. Plus consent is an important thing and Roger would never want to do anything to edge away from that. "You're my best friend Bri." Roger said with a smile and a nod. Brian smiles back at him and glanced at John. He was a mother hen by nature and it didn't help that he was older then the other two.

John whined and tried to grab for Roger, looking a bit hurt. "No, me." He looked like he was trying to be serious, and failing. Roger felt his heart flutter at the implication that John wanted to be best friend. In the future, one of them could write a song about that. That would be adorable and so like John.

Roger laughed full heartedly and reached back to connect their hands. He let them swing with the innocence that John always seemed to carry with him. He truely was adorable. And his hand was cold, so that meant that Roger should keep holding it. It wasn't that cold out but there was still a chill, and Roger wanted his boy to be warm.

"You're my sexy bass player. Next time we should dance. I already know you'd be good at it, swinging this hips of yours. Just like on stage tonight. Then I'd get to grind against you just like I had wanted." Roger flirted. He wasn't even joking, another time and place they could ignore the crowd together and just dance. He could practically picture bumping John back and forth to what would probably be their own music because they were that dumb couple in his head.

John was content with that and grinned at Roger. Brian made an exasperated sound but they both ignored him. The time would come when they could tease him about Freddie in return. This was their moment and he wouldn't ruin it by being single and sad.

"I like dancing Roger, should bring you to a disco sometime." John said absentmindedly. Roger snorted out a laugh, already picturing John completely in his element. A disco just sounded so like John, strange and new. They'd probably be really popular in the coming decade.

When they reached Roger's and Freddie's apartment, John unbuckled himself from his constraints. Roger was impressed with the coordination that John had apparently regathered on the car ride over. He stumbled stand up, but stayed on course with his own absentminded plan.

John flung himself at Roger as soon as he could. He knocked them both over and Roger landed on his ass on the pavement. Roger grunted with the strain of having John on top of him once again, but wasn't angry in the least. He liked that John never seemed to want to stop touching him.

They giggled as John squirmed around to find a comfortable place in his lap once more. Yeah, Roger had already missed that warm weight on top of him as well. John was really forward with things like this and Roger wouldn't want it any other way.

They kissed there on the sidewalk outside of Roger apartment, without a care in the world. All that matter was that their lips were finally touching again and Brian was unlocking the door for them. This was how life was supposed to be.

"We have to get inside Johnny. It's cold out here and you're shivering." Roger whispered against parted lips. John moaned in return and didn't even try to stand up. It looked like Roger was going to have to have a second try at that carrying thing, but hopefully with a better result. He was less drunken with more time past and felt like he was flying from John's kisses. He could carry his man inside.

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