A night out part 4

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Author's note: Nothing kill creativity like being called in and forced to work on a rare day off. Oh well, the perks of being an adult. We about to get a little bit angsty and have possessive!Roger make an appearance. Enjoy!

Roger wasn't known for being a very calm man, often having his temper get the better of him. While John had been calming him down with his presence in the last days, it was inexcusable that someone would be rude to his love. He possessive nature made Roger want to fight to protect John, even if his opponents would be dumb girls that didn't know any better. He used to like that kind of girl. Not anymore, John was his top and only priority.

There was someone who stepped in between John and him, going as far to push John a bit to the side when he tried not to move. It was a couple of women actually; they giggled and touched at Roger's chest. The rude women bounced excitedly and drew attention to the abundance of their cleavage. Roger could barely see anything besides the pout present on John's face. It was a damp cloth in the middle of a perfect night.

John had been so happy bumping playfully around him just minutes before and now he looked like he wanted to back away from the whole situation. Like Roger might be ashamed of being seen with him. Roger wasn't, and he especially didn't like the way that John tensed up. Around these harlots of women. Roger wasn't impressed.

He shifted the hand trying to sneak up his shirt off of him and weaved to John, hooking an arm around his waist and pulling him into his chest. John made a sad whimpering noise to show he was unhappy with the situation, but curled into him anyways. His boy was a good one, sticking with him even when he was uncomfortable. John hadn't said anything in the last few minutes, like he was petrified to with these others hanging about them. Roger could feel him shake just like he had the night of their first performance.

"Come on Roger, let's go play." One of the girls giggled and tried to tempt him. God damn, how hard was it to take a fucking hint? Roger was starting to get very annoyed with these women who wouldn't leave him alone. To make matters worse, he could barely tell if he was more angry about the ones ignoring his John or the one paying attention to him.

She had raven black hair that was a bit long and could use a wash. The red lipstick she wore wasn't her color and looked whorish with the lighting. Roger did not like her or the way that she decided that she could just reach out and touch what belonged to him. His mood was dark with thoughts that he'd never be able to voice aloud without scaring someone. John probably won't like if he murdered someone, but he was sure that his boy would forgive him eventually. Roger decided against it none the less; it would put a damper on the coming music career.

She ran a finger down John's back, making him jump with a bit of a yelp. "Forget Rog, I could go for a bit of fun with you cutie. You look like you could use someone who could show you a thing or two." Her tone was flirty and a bit mean. John whimpered at her words, and seemed to try to drive himself directly into Roger's skin with trying to get away from that wondering hand. Roger liked that he was sealing protection from him and couldn't puffing out his chest slightly for intimidation.

"Hey lady, back up. There's flirting and then there's making someone fucking uncomfortable. Besides, my boy don't need you to show him anything. Right John?" Roger growled out angrily, starting to get annoyed with the whole situation. This was ridiculous, and he was done with anyone who dared make his boy panic. He'd protect him through this, even if it meant making a scene with a bunch of girls. John meant that much to him.

John didn't speak even though Roger prompted him to, and instead shook slightly as the woman sneered at them. "Oh? And does your boy not know how to speak for himself? You two shouldn't even be that close, or did you walk into the wrong club?" The raven haired woman was venomous and knew exactly where to hit. Roger had to take a deep breath so he didn't end up hitting a woman.

"We can be wherever we wanna be, it's you who doesn't belong in this situation." He snarled with matching venom, liking that the woman finally back up a bit. She looked somewhat ashamed of what she had said and it made Roger relax a tiny bit. Alright, so her intention hadn't been to offend.

John stepped away again as soon as he was no longer the target of advances, and looked a bit more relaxed. "Look at you being a knight in shining armor. Thanks for the rescue Roggie." John teasing tone was back and it made Roger feel better about the whole situation. Hearing his voice again at that moment was quite the reward for bravely staking his claim. It wasn't over yet though, and he had another thing in mind to get these women to leave them be.

Another girl stepped forward and rubbed her tits against Roger's arm, unattractively. "Forgot him Roger, don't you wanna fuck me? We had such a great time last month."

"Sorry ladies, it's just me and my boy tonight." He gritted out with a semi laughing tone. He could tell that the pushy women were upsetting John and therefore he was done with them completely. He remembered the one who propositioned him very clearly; she gave shit head and he had been able to tell that he wasn't the only man she had slept with that night. Not that he had very high standards himself, but she should treasure herself more. Maybe that last thought was a bit cruel, but he had had higher standards since meeting John. Like there was no point in getting an erecting if John wasn't either present for it or have a  staring role in his fantasy.

"Come one Rog, you never turn down fun. If you don't wanna ditch your friend then he can join in too. There's enough of us after all." A blond said, circling around them like a lazy shark. She had bad fake nails that looked like they would rip all your hair out if given the opportunity. John nails were neat and clean, and his fingernails were a bit calloused from playing his instrument.

Roger didn't mean to be so cynical about all these women, but John brought out that protective and possessive side of him. No one else seemed to entice him anymore, why would they when he had an amazing bassist paying him attention? John was all he needed, and was perfect in every way.

"Look ladies not gonna happen, got other plans." He tried one more time to be polite about it, but the words came out through gritted teeth. He was done with this happening and John cowering on his side. John was a goddess in his own right and much more beautiful then any of these women were. There was something thrilling at the brink of his mind; he should show John off.

The women around them whined, but Roger just ignored and hooked John in even closer then he had been before. They were so close that he could feel the way that John's breath hitched as his hand made its way down to his lower back. Roger dipped John dramatically to the music, liking the way that he gasped in surprise at the motion. He kept John in that low position and wiggled his eyebrows with a grin, cheekily pushing his luck with the already low hand. It inches down to John's ass and gives a heavy pressured grip.

There is a lovely blush on John's cheeks, from either embarrassment or arousal. He doesn't fight against Roger's advance on him though, looking like he even enjoyed it. John smiles at him for the first time since the women had come over and Roger couldn't help but grin back. Good, he loved that smile.

The women around them finally seemed to register the situation and started to disperse. That didn't stop Roger from leaning down and stealing John's lips with a kiss. They shouldn't act like this in public, but Roger couldn't help it. His boy was too perfect not to.

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