The first show part 7

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Author's note: I took a couple days off for mental heath and now am back to write again. This is the final part of the first show and the next part is the first time. Hope you enjoy!

John had more weight to him then it looked like, but that didn't stop Roger from once again trying to haul him upwards. All he really succeeded in was humping John forward on him with a forceful moment. The brunette didn't seem to mind the rough movement, so Roger decided not to feel embarrassed about it. In fact, he gave a small moan and bit his lip sensually. It was pure sex and Roger tried his best not to get hard. There was a time and a place for that and even though John seemed to be trying his best for a reaction, Roger would be the better man.

He wanted so bad to walk with John wrapped around his waist and carry him into the house. Maybe give him a spank or two if the brunette didn't stop teasing him. John certainly was some kind of sexual nymph.

"You two are absolutely ridiculous." Brian snorted out at the scene. That was fair, but the whole situation was pretty funny. Roger still didn't appreciate Brian making fun of him. The only thing that kept him from getting mad was a giggling John still bouncing in his lap.

John had been rocking ever so slightly ever since Roger had tried to stand, like he had gotten the wrong impression from the movement. As good as the pressure felt against Roger's front, they were still very much in public. This was going to get indecent very fast without some kind of help. It nearly broke him to have to speak up, as he never wanted that delicious movement to end.

"Brian help me please." Roger gave in and asked his friend. Brian looked over at him shocked that he had actually asked for help. Or maybe it had been the please.

To be fair, Roger didn't really care if it was uncharacteristic to him. He just needed John safe inside before the boy got them both into trouble. Roger would do everything he could to protect John's reputation. The last thing he needed was to be beat up seconds away from his apartment, or defend John honor from a group of thugs. He barely wanted Brian to see John like this, complete strangers would make Roger's skin crawl. His boy deserved better then that.

"Alright, let's get you inside and into a nice warm bed huh?" Brian said quiet and kindly, like the good friend he was. John didn't look away from Roger or acknowledge the other man and that made Roger heart soar.

Like John never wanted to look away, and nothing else mattered to him. Roger loved being number one in John's eyes. He was number one in Roger's eyes too, the blond was utterly captivated by him. Roger wanted to carve a hole into John's heart and never leave. Etch his entire being into the other man's soul. Those were both a little dramatic but Roger could picture matching tattoos of names in a couple years. That sounded very rock and roll.

Brian more or less hauled John off of Roger while the blond grabbed for his keys and struggled himself up the path to open the door. John made a heart wrenching crying sound at being separated from him, but Roger kept resolve and managed to get to the door. He had to break the mood because John being sad was destroying his heart. He had to do something to lift the mood.

"John, I'm gonna open the door for you because you're a Queen!"  He shouted with glee. John made a happy agreement sound and Brian sighed loudly. He was probably thinking that his friend were ridiculous people and he wouldn't change them for the world. It didn't matter what Brian thought, because John happily flapped in his direction. The drunken brunette really was the most pure and cutest.

"Roger, I already unlocked the door while you guys were making out on the sidewalk, so stop fumbling with your key and just open the door." He sounded tired and exasperated. He was probably about done with dealing with the two of them. Roger tried not to feel insulted as he triumphantly swung the door open.

"Don't worry Bri, Freddie loves you. It's why he comes back to you constantly at a bar in between all the flirting." John comforted while practically hanging off of the taller man. It was sweet of John to care so much when he was about to drop from too many drinks and sleep. He really was the cutest.

"If you told him you wanted to sex he'd whip all his clothes off. Wherever you were." John added on, successfully ruining the comforting moment. Roger tried not to feel jealous as Brian gave him a small smile and patted his back while hauling him over to the door. At least Brian wasn't mad, Roger didn't want to have to beat a friend. Freddie would be very angry hearing Roger punches Brian repeatedly.

Once inside Roger turns and gathers John up into his arms, letting the other slump over onto him. Roger is slightly shorter then his boy, but he knows the house well enough to walk without seeing. Stealing him away from Brian is to much of a thrill to give in to any more help. This is his warm lump of a man and he loves the way that John curls into him.

"Thanks Bri, take my van home with you and keep her company tonight." Roger wondered if he had ever told Brian he could just take the car before. Usually Brian would have just crashed on the couch and walked home in the morning, but Roger didn't want him here. Not with John in his arms, they needed and deserved some privacy.

Everything made sense at that moment, it would be like this from now on. He would take John home and lend out the van as needed, barely caring because this was their together space and he didn't need anyone else here. Every gig he'd get this clingy drunk John hanging off him and it would be all Roger ever needed in life. They'd kiss and cling to one another, drunk and happy. Lick and kiss. Giggle and make breakfast in the morning. Their friends wouldn't judge because they were amazing and so was life.

With a smile present on his face, Roger shut the door in Brian's face and plastered himself to John. He could hear Brian protest through the door, but couldn't bring himself to care. He'd apologize in the morning, because now he had John all to himself.

Roger pulled John towards the bedroom; pulling off shoes and uncomfortably tight pants as they went. John was sleepy and enthusiastic all at once, rubbing at Roger exposed skin. They feel each other for just a moment, and Roger grows impatient with the night. The sooner they sleep the sooner they can be awake  and sober together. It makes total sense to Roger.

John bounces slightly as he was pushed onto the bed and giggled with glee as Roger crawled on top of him. Roger flopped down dramatically on top of his boy, snuggling them together so that every part was touching. They both closed their eyes and enjoying each other's warmth.

Surrounded by blankets and pillows it almost didn't feel real. It was real though, the realest thing Roger had ever felt and it made him feel complete.

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