The first show part 3

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Author's note: I'm going to watch Captain Marvel tonight and am so excited for it!

"Let's go pound out that beat." John parroted back at him with a nearly secrete smile. Like the words between them were some type of inside joke. Roger liked that, they were hilarious together. John mirrored his smile like the better half of a reflection, with open ease. Everything just felt so easy.

With that last comment they were all out on stage together, doing wonderful things. This was their first performance; the one to see if they were finally going to have a bass player that worked out. Roger already couldn't picture the band without John. They had gone from Smile to something brand new with Freddie. Queen was what they were now, with the logo still in Freddie's works. John completed the circle of Roger spieling life; helping him find and keep to the way that he was supposed to be living.

John got into the rhythm like it was his birth rite. The crowd wasn't the biggest, but people bobbed, danced and cheered to the beat. Roger had the pleasure of watching from his drums as the others hopped about stage, acting out for the crowd. John glanced back only once during the whole show, but playful wiggle his hips when he did so. The glee-filled wink that John had shown him in that moment had gotten Roger through the rest of the show with an excess of enthusiasm.

Like they had all known during his audition, John met and blew past all of their expectations. A cocky grin was present on his face as he nailed a complicated bass rift like he had wrote the material himself. It would be long until John did have input into the music and wrote in the bass tracks to suit himself. He would be far better at it then Tim had ever been.

Roger felt privileged to see that smile present on John's face every time he turned a bit. He was mesmerized; this was the boy that was shaking back stage and just did a shot in secrete with him to calm his nerves.

It was over all to soon, the band finishing off as the crowd cheered in the usual drunken and slurred way. Amusing for them to see as they hadn't had much to drink yet themselves. Roger knew he would be joining them soon enough and had plans for John to be right there with him.

Their after party involved getting a drink while packing up the instruments and it was every thing that Roger had ever wanted. John scurried away as soon as they had been down playing and brought Roger and himself a cup of whiskey each. The was not Roger preferred drink, but he had a feeling that it wasn't John's either. John looked to be the type of man who would say all have what he's having and be done with it. There was noticeably none for the other two, who had already been distracted.

Freddie was flirting around with a group of people and Brian was beside him, laughing along and leaning just a bit to close. Probably so no one would become brave enough to grab at Freddie and demand a night with him. Brian wasn't really the most assertive of men though and it was only a matter of time before someone would push him out of the way. It always seemed to be that way since Freddie had joined the band.

Freddie had his arm around Brian waist though, and that was too nice of a sight for Roger to interrupt. He had hope in his friends that one day soon they would get their shit together and just kiss. Thinking about kissing, Roger turned his attention to John and smiled as he took the waiting drink. He had been just standing and waiting, like a good friend.

"Look at those two idiots, all over each other without actually ever making contact. I don't know how they can just ignore their chemistry like that." Roger laughed out as he pointed towards their friends.

"I think we should be a good example for them. Come with me, I found a quiet corner." John said proudly, like it was normal to go into a bar and ignore all the other people there. Maybe it was, and Roger had always been a bit of a social butterfly.

"Sounds good sweetheart, lead the way." Roger hid the nervousness in his voice with a wink and a smirk. He gripped his cup strongly as they weaves through the crowd and came to John's quiet corner. This was the perfect place to drag someone to make out (or perhaps do even more), as it was barely lit and almost covered by the booths next to it.

They huddled down together in the corner and Roger took notice to just how happy John was to ignore the crowd. It was sweet how John wanted to share space with only him. Roger heart felt warm in his chest as he sipped the strong drink and leaned in close to John. This was like a first date night, where they lost track of time and just stared into each other's eyes. Sitting close together and giggling at each other's words and stories.

The night progresses with them volunteering to get each other's drinks and then taking way to long to pry themselves up to actually go and get another round. They were much to busy laughing at each other's bad pick up lines and equally bad jokes.

Towards the end of the night, John was pretty much in his lap with Roger holding him in place. Both parties were a bit smashed with having had a few too many drinks and had long decided that sitting together would do better to keep them warm. John was light in Roger's lap and wriggled around every time that Roger tickled at him. Which was quiet frequently as time went by and Roger lost track of the people in the room around them.

Brian came back to pick up his guitar and gave them a questioning look. "You two strike out tonight or something?" He asked, and Roger crinkly thought that he and his double looked quite upset that Freddie was not with him anymore.

"Wha happened to Freddie? He doesn't mean to break your heart Bri, you just gotta tell him. Like, hey Fred let me suck you're dick and hug me afters." Roger slurred, trying his best to make Brian feel better.

He could tell that his words didn't really work, but John still giggled in his lap. "Yeah, 'eard he likes big cocks and if you're at all proportional e'll love you." John slurred right along with Roger, the two not having a care in the world. They laughed at the implications as Brian turned red with embarrassment.

"How much have you had to drink?!" Brian shouted louder then necessary for being in a crowded room. He cringed down to their level when people looked over at them, and shifted nervously.

"Just enough to have a fun night Bri, don't be so uptight." Roger responded, sticking out his tongue at the older man.

"Mhmmmm." Was all John answered with as he sleepily leaned back into Roger. 

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