First day part 3

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Author's note: Final chapter of the first day! Next up will be after the first performance, but I think it'll be a few days before it comes out. Hope you enjoyed, see you soon!

The time where they were waiting for the pizza to arrive was filled with bickering and the occasional try from Freddie to get John to sit with him instead. Brian would scoff every time and look a bit jealous, which had clearly caught John's attention. Roger thought Brian needed to work on his neediness, as he caught John neck with his hand and kept him still against his chest. Holding him still for a moment right over Roger's heart, where he belonged.

"I think you should just ask Brian for a snuggle Freddie, save yourself the heart ache." John tried in a quiet voice, liking the dynamic that the four of them seemed to share already. Roger liked the body heat that he provided and treasured the sass when it came out to play. Why was it so easy to like John so much?

"Are you saying you would break my heart darling or that I just couldn't handle you?" Freddie answered with an easy smile, interested in their newest friend. Roger tried not to be jealous that Freddie had also taken interest and that John had chosen to sit with him.

"Well you definitely couldn't handle me, but I was thinking more along the lines of who else would a brilliant man like Brian deserve? You two are perfect for one another." John was a quick judge and had already said what Roger had been unable to for what felt like years now. The perfect hell-raiser for Roger.

They were all quiet for a minute after that, Brian and Freddie gazing at each other with wide and open eyes. No one was embarrassed of the facts being laid out and Roger felt hope for his friends for the first time in quite awhile. They didn't swoop dramatically together like Roger had always hoped they would but both men seemed to consider the thought. Best let them have some time to mull that over and keep the tension low.

It was with a full and elated heart that Roger declared himself to be John's favorite of the boys. "That's right as the only blond in the group and I heard from an inside source that that's John type! Neither of you stand a chance." Roger joked and turned at an awkward angle to be able to press a kiss to the top of John's head.

He felt like flying at John amused chuckle and nod of the head. Brian and Freddie both cried out like they had just been wounded. The moment was beautiful. His friends were always overdramatic like that and it amused him to no end.

He made a kissy noise at John, who answered back with his own. Roger wanted to kiss him in the moment for real, but held back. Now wasn't the time no matter how comfortable they already appeared to be with one another. Roger wanted things to be special between them. He could wait for the right moment.

It was amazing to know that maybe John wasn't as shy as he first let on to be, because with Roger he seemed to give as good as he got. The little sass monster, coiling and ready to strike at unsuspecting victims. Roger couldn't wait to play a gig with John and watch him interact with other people. Watch him in any social situation actually. He just wanted to be close to John and maybe have a date with him. Would it be appropriate to ask amongst friends?

The pizza seemed to have arrived to fast because Roger wasn't ready to let the other man go yet. His mind was still going a million miles an hour on how to ask John out and the brunette was trying to pull away. It was for food, so Roger allowed John to slip away from him.

They ate the greasy finger food that they had totally work for today and savored the flavor in each other's company. Roger took notice and laughed at John's pizza face and John softly did the same in return. It was light hearted and fun, perfect for the two of them. They giggled together like children and fell into one another for support from the exhaustion of it. The boys breathed together for a few seconds and basked in each other's warmth.

After pizza the band was quick to dispersed after that, everyone still having something to work on for the night. A quick goodbye from both Brian and John was all he got. Roger pouted as he watched John leave, taking time to admire the slight jiggle of the brunette's ass as he walk away. He could write song lyrics about that ass.

Hours later, Roger lay awake in bed thinking their hours long moment. He'd never really had someone in his life that he would cuddle with; at least not with clothes on. It had been lovely and he was already hoping it would happen again. Actually, he wouldn't mind if they cuddled without clothes on next time.

A lump in his throat formed when Roger thought about John naked and touching him. About John letting Roger touch him. John would squirm under Roger's experiences hands and cry out with that soft, lovely voice of his as Roger took everything he could possibly give. Roger contemplated jerking off to those thoughts, but it felt to dirty to defile John without his permission. Even in just a fantasy.

Roger wonder that if he seemed too needy would John go to Freddie instead? They had already declared favoritism and there wasn't any take-backs on that kind of thing; but did John know that? It was hard to sleep with thoughts like that running through his head. He wanted to be John's top pick of a man always, top pick of anyone. Would John still dance to him when there were girls present, begging for his shy attention? Roger could only hope so, because from now on he new he was never going to be able to see anyone else.

Roger barely understood the connection he had made with the younger man. Roger knew he was a bit of an ass and that people didn't generally like him without great hesitation to it. John just gravitated towards him like some kind of magnet. He was thankful that John had poor taste, because if Roger had true lay had to win him over they might never get to the cuddling stage. Let alone a kissing one. He had never been one for communication or soft moments, but John made him want to be a better man.

When Roger finally nodded off that night it was with a smile to the thought of grabbing John's hand and just holding on. Imaginary John would smile whenever Roger would squeeze their fingers together and even cheekily squeeze back. Yes, this was going to be a wonderful friendship that hopefully lasted the rest of time.

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