A night out part 3

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Author's note: This chapter leaves off on a bit of a cliffhanger, mostly because it was so fluffy and I didn't want to ruin it with the next bit. Hope you enjoy!

John and Roger had been having a wonderful night filled with holding hands and talking to their friends. A nearly double date, because once John had suggested that Freddie and Brian also hold hands, they never let them go. Instead of four friends hanging out it was two couples, hanging all over once another.

They had steadily been leaning closer with every flirtation said in the last hour and now John was plastered to Roger's shoulder. They took turns squeezing hands and had even gone back to ignoring their band mates while they spoke. It was easy to be lost in their own little world.

"This dark lighting makes you look like a sexy and alluring vampire John." Roger was feeling extra flirty tonight and John responding to it was making his heart pound he felt invincible.

"Are vampires even sexy Rog? Aren't they like a thing that supposed to be a horrible monster?" John questioned with a grin. He probably wanted to see Roger squirm, but the blond was standing by his dumb point.

"What? You telling me you don't think a creature that has to lore people away in the dark is sexy? How else would they get people to go with them if not through seduction?" Roger exclaimed, now fully invested into this conversation. Roger had just about had his sexual awakening while watching Dracula. This was as close as he would ever get to admitting that fact out loud.

"I think you're just bending it towards your sexual fantasies love. Besides, I think your the seductive one in this relationship." John giggled, realizing just how invested Roger was in his random thoughts.

"Alright babe, I'll be the vampire and you can be the innocent young women that I've chosen as my target." Roger flirted, giving John a peck on the cheek. No one cared what they were doing in this crowded bar, and Roger was feeling particularly brave. Brian was ranting about something to do with space across the table and Freddie was just listening with a full toothed grin.

"Would you decide that you didn't want to kill me in the end and keep me around for years to come?" John joked back, seeming to also like the sinful scenario. Roger took notice of the fact that John seemed to like role play scenarios.

"Oh yeah baby, I'd sex you first to just be polite, probably planning to kill you after. Only to discover that you're a goddess nymph in disguise, that'd I'd never be able to get enough of. You wouldn't even mind if I couldn't resist a small nibble as long as I kissed you with a bit of blood still in my mouth. I'd never let you go, you'd be mine for all eternity from that moment on. I'd take you as my bride to ensure you'd never get away from me."

Roger was suddenly feeling very turned on for being in such a public place and knew he needed to get away from this conversation if he wanted to remain decent. John looks entranced at the prospect that they've been flirting with and he know down the line they're gonna make a night out of the scenario. When the relationship they have isn't so fresh and they're familiar with each other's body's. One night he'll take John like he was a vampire stealing a pretty maiden. Choosing to keep her as a bride instead of killing her.

"So, wanna dance tonight John? Cause I see a space over there on the dance floor just for us. Little piece of heaven, where you can wiggle and grind all you want." Roger cheekily asked, changing the subject.

"Well now, that seems like an offer I can't refuse. But what happens if I grind back and someone gets to interested Roggie?" John was teasing now, but it made a possessive feeling spark in Roger's chest. He could only hope that John knew he was playing with fire.

"The only one you're going to be doing any grinding with is me baby. Twirling around and hopping around for my eyes, no one else's." Roger's eyes were as dark as his eyes, as they roamed down over John's thin body. His boy knew just how to really get him going.

"Let's get going then." John said while fluttering his eye lashes at his blond companion. He was always excited to be able to dance and being with Roger only made it more exciting.

They were up on their feet and ditching the others without a second thought. Making their way together to the little spot Roger had originally pointed out. John was already starting to twist along to the beat before they got there, and Roger loved the way he still managed to move while do so. It was endearing to watch John get lost in the music, and ignored the fact that he felt a bit jealous that his boy was dancing to another man's drum beat. One day they'd go dancing and hear their own music, Roger was sure of it.

It was fun being on the dance floor with John, who bobbed and jumped to every beat.it was so unique and John like that Roger couldn't help the grin that sprouted. Roger thinks not for the first time this night, that John is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He pulls his brunette close, showing his possessive streak and they sway together for a few moments.

Roger lets him go after that, not wanting to cage his love in anyway. John was meant to wiggle and jive in anyway he could, not be held down by a jealous lover.

Roger was happy to sway and have John do circles around him. He didn't have to be very animated when John jumped around him like a presenting peacock. It didn't even matter that occasionally another person got a bit to close to his dancing queen, because John's attention was 100 percent on him alone. Every once in a while Roger would stick a hand out to grab John to spin him. John rewarded him with a happy giggle every time and this might be the best feeling in the world.

Roger momentarily put a hand on John's hip and tugged him close, pressing lips to his ear so no one else could hear. "Look at you go, a disco queen. Looking better and being more talented then anyone else here and I get to know you're all for me. John, you're absolutely amazing."

John flushes at the compliments, but doesn't stop swaying his hips. Roger wants to take him to the dirty bathroom this club probably contains and make him believe those words. He won't do that though, because John deserves better then that.

John chooses that moment to make an affectionate noise and swoop forwards to nuzzle into Roger. He nibbles gently he does so to really make Roger's blood boil and then dances away like the tease he is. It was the perfect moment, and Roger would have laughed if they hadn't been rudely interrupted.

Everything had been going so well tonight too.

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