chapter 7 Ilona

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Chapter 7 Ilona

Ilona, Nachum, and I walk out of the barracks along the wall. It is a bright, warm day; and despite her indifference, I can’t help but feel joy.

“I don’t know why my son finds such favor in you. You are nothing but a filthy Jew, no better than that ridiculous dog of yours’, and I surely don’t want to be with you.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I have orders to keep you company.”

“It’s your fault my grandson is being sent back. You should be ashamed of yourself, you filthy Jew!”

I am shocked.

I should be ashamed?!” I check my tone because she is still an elder. “What about what he did? Nachum and I are the victims here. Jews are always the victims.”

I extend my arm to show her all the bite wounds I have because of her grandson. Suddenly, she smacks me just like Odeelia had. Nachum snarls, but he doesn’t attack. This for sure proves that he is a gentleman, or gentledog, because had it been anyone else, they would have been torn to shreds by now.

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself!” she snaps. “Get a backbone. You’re a Jew; surely you’re stronger than that!”

I stop and stare at her, my hand on my face. Her frail little hand has delivered a harsh slap.

“What was that for?”

“You made me angry,” she replies. “Let’s keep going.”

I stay frozen.

“So you just slap people you don’t like?”

“I slap when I need to…but that’s of no concern, it’s over now…I’m old; you have certain privileges when you get old. Remember that.”

“I won’t be slapping people out of nowhere, that’s for sure.”

She shrugs and motions for us to keep going. I meet Nachum’s golden gaze. We are thinking the same thing: What have we gotten ourselves into? Nachum continues to bristle as we follow Ilona.

“Can we head back?” I ask.

“No, I demand you keep walking.”

I don’t argue because it had been the General’s orders that I stay with his mother.

“Are you a Christian?” Ilona asks.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because you didn’t slap me back. Some people would have even though I’m an old woman. You ‘offered me the other cheek’ per say.”

“Nein, I’m just Jewish.”

“But some Jews believe in God and Jesus. Do you?”

“I’m just a Jew.”

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