Chapter 13 Dog Tag

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Chapter 13 Dog tag

   Day began to fade into night; the wolves were howling at the moon and my back was up against a wall. With nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, I decided to face my problems. They were coming, and I alone could not stop what was going to happen. Then I looked to my side and there he was to come and save me. Only in books did the main character get out alive and I lived in reality, with him and my constant fears.


“Father, what a delight to see you alive and well.”

“Intriguing, why is it that you look flustered and worn?” 

“Father, dear, I was out…. (Tell him you were at the General’s house doing exercises) getting exercise at General Corbitant’s house while you were out.”

“It is nice to see you are actually doing something useful with your life instead of doing magic tricks.” 

“Very well, Father, I will see you at dinner.” 

“No, not tonight. We will attend dinner at General Corbitant’s house.” 

I walk away from his study confused, hurt, and tired. I hear voices in my head now; Father already thinks I’m a sad case; now he will put me in an asylum.


I feel the warm night air through my window as I stand in front of the mirror with Nachum at my side. I have a bunch of new clothes since my adoption into the family, mostly fancy dresses. I have on my favorite cream one with white embroidery at the bottom and white lacing across the middle. 

“You look so beautiful,” Ilona says from behind me.

I turn and grin at her.

“I brought a little present to say welcome to the family,” she says.

“You have given me so much already,” I point out.

She nods but continues to unwrap a beautiful satin package and pulls out an alexandrite bracelet that shimmers orange and blue depending on its angle with the light.

“It’s so beautiful,” I gasp.

“You can add it to your collection. I’ve never had someone I wanted to pass it down to. My mother gave it to me when I was about your age, as my birthday is in June. It’s alexandrite and known for its rarity and ability to change color. It is yours. I…am saving the other for Marie. It’s made of amethyst with gypsum horse charms and will look beautiful on her. It was a birthday present when I received my first horse,” she says. 

“I know she will love it, and I know she will return one day,” I assure as she puts the silver bracelet on my wrist.

“You girls mean so much to me. I am glad I can pass these treasures into good hands because my granddaughter sure wouldn’t take care of them,” she says.

“You have a granddaughter?” I ask.

“Yes, Jason’s sister…”

“Jason is your grandson?”

“Ja, he and Jace are cousins, didn’t you know that?”

“No, I don’t take great interest in Jace or his friends,” I say.

“You will now that you are part of the family,” she says.

“But he tried to kill Nachum,” I remind.

“Richtig…and he was punished accordingly; he had to take your place with the servants while you both healed, including in front of his friends.”

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