Chapter 21 Where the light touches the earth

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Chapter 21 Where the Light Touches the Earth

      The next day, I don’t see Father, but I do see Jason and Raj together. When Jason stands next to Raj, they are equal but different in many ways too. It is like Raj has heart, determination, and patience, but Jason has charm, passion, and tenacity. 

Oooh, someone is in love with Raj. 

Aaron! Mind your business and stay out of my thoughts!

 I am happy that someone else besides me realizes that you don’t have to change the way you look. 

I don’t want Jason to have to suffer with guilt and shame because of me. I would never be truly happy if I know that I caused him pain. And what about you and Holle, oooooh that. 

I really don’t like you right now. 

As I approach the pavilion, Raj immediately stops speaking to Jason in order to greet me, but Jason completely ignores me. 

“Good morning, Anne! I bet you tossed and turned all night, didn’t you?” 


“Of course not, Jason. It’s just that I know how Anne is; and when she is troubled, she can’t sleep. Did you know that?” 

“Actually, I didn’t; but now that I do, I will make sure I keep that thought at the forefront part of my brain.”

“Anyways, what are the both of you doing out here so early?” 

“We’re waiting for Aaron and Holle to come have brunch with us.” 

“Well, while you two wait I’m going to sit in the garden.” 

“Watch out for the orchids. I know you’re deathly allergic to orchids.” 

      “Thank you, Raj. I don’t have to worry because I know Jason would save me if anything happened.”

“I’m sure he would.” 

Aaron? Are you and Holle almost here? Jason and Raj are going to kill each other.

Maybe that’s a fitting death for an ex-best friend.

What?! How can you say such a thing?! I see now that you act more and more like Holle. Who knew she would be such a bad influence on you! It’s like I don’t even know you anymore! 

 Actually, Holle has been a good influence on me; and in my opinion, I think Jason is using you to get your inheritance. Heed my warnings, I know him a lot better than you do.

“Anne! Come out of the garden! Aaron and Holle are here!”

We introduce Holle to Raj, and then we go inside to eat brunch. 

“So, Raj, how long have you known door knob and the ugly-blonde-girl-who-doesn’t-know-up-from-down.”

“Well, I have known door knob and ugly-blonde-girl who-doesn’t-know-up-from-down all their lives.” 

“Have you always been so rude, Holle?” Jason grumbles.

“Listen here, German trash, I was speaking to the very handsome gentleman across the table, not you.” 

“If you were wise, you would hold your tongue or maybe think before you speak if you can do that, but maybe commoners can’t multi-task,” Jason retorts. 

Anne, doesn’t Jason remind you of someone familiar?

Unfortunately, no. 

 Well if I were you, I would always remember that history repeats itself. 

 Thanks for the history lesson.

For the rest of the meal, there is nothing but silence. Jason is obviously cross about something. Aaron has to keep the silverware away from Holle because she is going to stab the life out of Jason, and Raj keeps smiling because both of us know that he is right and I am wrong. In my heart I want to believe that Jason truly loves me, but who knew that this is the first warning to us about his other side? 

 Months go by, and Holle and Aaron finally are leaving with Em and Henry. Em is crying because she feels like she is abandoning me, and Henry comforts her. Holle is insulting Aaron because he is moving too slow, and Nachum jumps around barking at different people. Now I know why Holle acts the way she does.

“Listen, Em stop crying. You need to pull yourself together if everyone is to make it to your destination. Holle stop bossing Aaron around because if you don’t, you will end up on the missing persons list. One day we will meet again.” 

Brother, I will truly miss you, and  never forget the love that flows in my heart. 

Thank God that we can speak to each other telepathically or I might have to buy ear plugs if there is a limit. 


No, not goodbye…until we meet again

Little by little, I hike back to my father’s house. Now that my brother is going on some ‘back to your roots’ trip, I may not see him for a long time. Jason and Jace are going to Hitler Youth, but I shouldn’t be miserable because Nachum and Raj are here to keep me company. Nachum and I walk into the empty house only to realize that Raj is the only person in the house. 

“Why such a cheerless expression, my dearly loved Anne?” 

“Everyone is leaving me.” 

“I will always stand by your side, in sickness and in health.” 

“I know Raj, but sometimes life seems to treat me in a dreadful way.” 

“I know what will make you feel better. In the bazaar, there is an old man named Nayr who tells foreign and exotic tales. I know how much you like stories, but you can’t walk with me in public with that thing on your head.”

“The only way I can go is if Nachum can come with us.” 

“How dare you think that I wouldn’t want his company? Just make sure he doesn’t kill Kalil, my cat.” 

We immediately leave for the market place. Night isn’t coming fast enough, and story teller Nayr only tells his stories at night. So as to pass the time, we walk through the bazaar looking at different foods and maps. Raj also tells me about his homeland of Persia and his relatives. I never knew his culture was so interesting. Kalil and Nachum tolerated each other so I did not worry about them. Finally, story teller Nayr puts out his cigarette and decides on a story to tell us. This story is about two Japanese sisters who had an evil uncle who killed their family.  

As the story ends, old man Nayr struggles to stand, but he looks me in the eye and says, “Japan is the kingdom where the light touches the earth.”

I jump up and shout, “That’s it!” 

The sleepy babies stir but continue to sleep, and the anxious mothers look at me with distrustful eyes.

Tonight, I know what I have to do. My destiny is calling me even if it means hurting someone I love. I pack all my stuff in a bag and write a letter to Raj. I am glad that Jason promised to always leave the door to Explorers’ Cavern unlocked because tonight I am going to need it. Nachum and I make our way to the General’s garden because we are going to where the light touches the earth.  

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