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My head throbbed as if someone had just smacked my head with a bat and stuffed it with cotton. balls. This was actually probably worse than that. So make that bat metal, and those cotton ball a whole wad of towels.

I groaned and sat up. Gingerly touching my hand to my face. Which felt hot. Just like the rest  of me. A movement to my right caused me to jerk my head around.

Azrail sat in a small chair his beutiful ruby gaze caressing my face, it felt as if he were touching me. I swallowed, ignoring the dryness and soreness of my throat. He let out a shuddered breath and then got up.

"You really scared me, you'know that?" His raspy voice caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach. "You shoud've told me you were hurting." I blinked and looked down as he made his way to my side.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't think it was the moment." I blushed crimson just remembering him in that doorway.  "I promise next time-" Before I could finish the sentance he was over me. His scent invading my senses

I wasn't sure how it happened but it did, one second he was next to me, the other he was over me. His arms holding all his bodyweight. His eyes darkened visibly and his teeth bared slightly. "There won't be a next time." His words came out in a threatning growl that sent delicious shivers up my body. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped at the taste of his breath on my toungue.

Before I could stop it a murmur escaped from my throat. He smiled evilly and then kissed my forehead. His lips were unbeliveably soft, and warm, and just...perfect. He continued to pepper my face with littlw amazing kisses till they were hovering over mine.

His bloody eyes dropped to my heaving chest. I was alarmed at the attention. I blushed and tried to calm my breathing but the more I thought about scandolous things the faster it went up and down.

"Alpha..." My voice came out in a pleading whisper, sinful to even my ears.

He smirked and then was gone again. I missed him instantly. Turning my head to wear he stood smugly I scowled against the blush that crept down my body. "Meanie." I whispered as a knock sounded through the room.

The door opened amd I stared at the IV needle in my hand.

A man walked in blonde hair and a white coat on. He held a clipboard in his hands and smiled as he neared me. "Hello Luna my name is Dr. Gareth." I stared mortified at the title. "No, i'm an omega not a Lun-" Azrail growled visciously his playfulness vanishing. I shut up and shrank back. The Dr. seemed unfazed. 

"My name is Adelee." I replied after a few seconds of silence. "Well, you are quite the package. You have strept throat and a broken rib, damaged ankles that are very bad and a small fever." Azrails hand began to stroke my hair softly.

Tingles and sparks igniting.

"Now we gave you some medicine for the cough you will develop in the next few days or so and then an additional one for your sinus infection." I was speechless. I had never been this sick all at once. 

Azrail moved even closer his legs now pressed against the hospital bed. I wanted him to sit next to me but not yet. I would be to embarrassed. "That's all the info I have now. You can leave after the nurse comes ad takes out the IV." He smiled once again. "Alpha. Luna." And then he was gone.

I shoved down the feeling of wrong doing at being called Luna. I would deal with it later. If I lived.

Azrail blew out a puff of air and than smiled down at me sweetly. "Alright my love, how are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner." I shrugged. "Okay. It's nothing really." I just barley finished the words before he snarled. 

"It's not nothing. It's your health were talking about." I shivered and then nodded. "Okay, sorry. I meant to say, I thought it was no big deal but to you it is so...sorry." Hechuffed but looked away. "Lets go home." He says after a few moments of awkward silence. 

I lift my arms up to say 'yay' but hiss in pain. "Woopsie."

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