Questions and answers

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How come Adelee has the teddy bear?
Adelee shuffles our awkwardly -" because we were allowed to take our most prized possession and since the only other thing besides teddy that I had was a gum wrapper, he seemed okay to take."
Why are all of the girls so small?
Jasmine blushes, Adelee looks at me accusingly and Mia snickers. I grin and jump out of my hiding spot. " you see they are short because I am short. I wanted them to have that burden." Mia sneers. " I'm 5'5 so I'm not short" me crosses arms. " I could make you short so shush- moving on!"
So how short is jasmine and you anyway??
Jasmine coughs. Me "I am a proud yet embarrassed 4'11. I'm in high school so yes I get made fun of by my friends for that." I look at jasmine. " I'm 4'11 as well." Me cackles evilly.
Shadow appears not scaring me at all because I know everything about him and created him. "Your evil" he growls. " No I'm wonder..."
Why is azrail so hot and cold?
Adelee " hmmm I don't know why are u like that Azrail?"
Azrail grins. " cause...." leaves us hanging.
Does Shadow have a friend besides the boys?
"Oh" I snicker and blush " well alright then yes. Yes he does. They're names are Sinn Night Damon and Stephen. But they are vampires and all proudly gay. So sorry ladies!!"
Sinn is a king right?
"I don't know? Is he? Guess you'll just have to read his book!! It's called the boy who couldn't die and yes I have some stuff published already!!"
Shadow gives a small yet evil smile. " I love that kid, he really knows how to  kill people." Me "oh. Okay well...irrelevant. Let's keep this going!"
Since u have gay books are u gay?
"No. I am straight as could be but-BUT!! I love and support our lgbtq community and although I do not write girl gay books because I don't feel comfortable doing so I don't feel the need to discriminate. We are all people with different life styles and loves."
Adelee why did u choose Gerta?
" ugh b-because! She made me choose that name!" Looks at me for help. "Wonder tell them!! Tell them you made me do it!!" Me smirks and shuffles away towards the twins.
Why do the twins share a mate?
Lucifer squints his beautiful mismatched eyes and growls. " We never separated so since our brother bond is so strong our mate bond never tethered therefore causing our lycans to bond to one wolf-"
Crucifix cuts in. "Basically we have one bond, one to each other and one towards our mate."
Lucifer snarls before snapping his teeth. "You know I hate it when I get interrupted!" Mia rushes over and strokes his arm gently. "Hey hey baby calm down, it's okay." Lucifer pours before dragging Mia away.
How old are you?
"Ughhh is it okay if I don't want to say that?? Ruins the fun."
What is your gender?
"I am a girl."
Does Shadow have a kid? I read he has a kid!
"Ughhh rats. You found out!!!! Yes. Shadow has a kid named Monster.
How is Monster???
"He is... ehhh troubled. Has a lot of trust issues and has been tortured. He is the victim of...unspeakable things."
Monster stands of to the side snarling at everyone who comes near his mate Minjoo 
Joo pets Monsters hair soothingly gently tugging his head down by the two horns decorating sprouting from his head. "Woah Sully calm down." He whispers, the pet name causing Monster to purr and rub his large head into Minjoos neck mindful of the horns.
Me " honestly my favorite couple. And yes Tae call a him Sully because he looks like a goth Sully. Black hair a black and red eye fangs horns a tail- the whole package!"
Night hisses. "Hey I have a tail to!" Everyone ignores him and life goes on.
Does Adelee go into heat?
Adelee " No no no no!!!! I do not! At least I hope..."
Me grins and then shrugs "Possibly, maybe, soon or not it's going to happen because-I said so."
Shadows brothers are elementals? What is that?
"Oh an elemental is a powerful being, so a God of sorts they are all gods. They are powerful and immortal. They each have a specific element given or forced onto him."
Is it wonderland wonder wondy wond or.....
It's wonder. Just call me wonder.
Adelee needs to toughen up so does jasmine will that ever happen?
Me "Yes at some point."
How are you so talented??
Me stars crying "How are you so nice and supportive!!!! Thank you all so much for everything!" Sobbing continues as characters stare awkwardly.

" farewell, till next time my wonderlanders!!! Mwah Mwah!
Bows dramatically
" p.s thank you DalekAtTheDisco for everything u guys are angels! Everyone check out there book Son of Nyx hope I spelled that right!!!
Goo bye
And I meant to put goo

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