02:00 | prologue

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Freya sighed out as she merely glanced at her wristwatch, the old thing ticked half past seven and her shift's nearing it's end. It was a good thing that the café wasn't that stressful today, otherwise she'd find herself on her other part time job as a librarian instead.

She carefully placed the lid on top of the drink and wiped the dripping content with paper towel, she walked over to the counter and placed the drink onto a tray along with straw and also the dessert that the costumer asked for.

Freya sent a weak smile to her best friend, Milo, and then continued her search. Scanning the room and the numbers implanted on the tables, she heaved out a sigh of relief when she finally saw the number four.

She walked over and composed herself— fixing a poor excuse of a smile and cleared her throat to catch the man's attention, ❝ Hi, Your or— ❞

❝ —der is complete. One cinnamon and one black coffee with no sugar and milk. Any other thing you wish to add? ❞ He finished, his smirk slapped on his lips and his eyes dancing with excitement. Freya wanted to spill his order right across his form, but that would've cut her pay and she can't afford that to happen.

She loosely banged the tray on the table and sent a forced smile his way, mustering a harsh whisper ❝ And what is Fork's Vampire–Badboy–Cullen doing in here? I avoided you like a plague and left Forks High just as you told me! What do you need?! ❞

Everytime she sees this man, she knew stress cells erupt into thousands and the next thing she'll know— she'll have fine lines. Even the thought of him crossing her mind had her boiling, now that the huge man was just in front of her makes her lavakind–emotions spill.

He beamed at her, ❝ Getting straight to the point are we? ❞

❝ As if you would let me leave if I turn the other way. ❞

❝ Oh, you know me so well. ❞ He was grinning at her and she looked back at him as if it was a poisonous illusion, she gripped the end of the table to support her from slapping him or maybe she was really holding on for dear life. This man had caused her enough havoc in her life and the only thing to stop that wreck is to leave him.

She glared at him, ❝ What is it that you want?! ❞

❝ Your summer. ❞

She was taken aback, her summer? What does he mean by that? For all she knew her summer was spent with her three part–time jobs being a librarian in the morning and starting her waitress shift by afternoon. Her off–days which happens to be twice a week gives her time to work by a daycare.

These three jobs supported her with enough money to buy her necessities, and though she had come from a rich family— she opposed to the idea of depending on her parents nor their business. And so she asked, ❝ What? ❞

❝ You'll be my girlfriend for the rest of the summer, and when the school days are back— we're off the status. This will continue for as how many years as I want it to continue, you will accompany me through different countries we're going and different people or vampires we're meeting.

I know you'll probably say that I have nothing against you for you to agree to this. But, darling I do. One of the board members of your business is one of ours, one hoax with littered evidences can topple your Dad of a CEO. That's impossible? Nothing is, not when it comes to me and you know that. ❞

Freya stood still in her place, her eyes unblinking and as wide. How come he'll threaten her and her family like that just to be his fake girlfriend?! Her grip on the edge of the table increased, the smirk on his lips never seem to have it's off–day.

❝ It's easy, I'll have you as my girl.
And also will have your Summers. ❞

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