Coming out

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Jesy's POV
I was woken up by the loud sound of my alarm. I rubbed my eyes to wake up. It was the second week of my sophmore year and I still can't believe that Perrie and Alex are together for 8 months now. And I can't just go up to her and tell her I freakin' have a crush on her.

Soon my thoughts were interupted by loud screaming. It was Gigi. And seconds later my bedroom door swung open.

"Why the fuck was there a sock on the floor?! In the living room!? A man's sock!?" Gigi shouted at me.

"Ask Perrie. She fuckin' has a boyfriend. Now get the fuck out. I'm naked." I said as I was trying to pull the covers over my body. She groaned and slammed the door. I quickly put some clothes on and went to my lesson.

The lesson was so boring. I quickly returned to my dorm room and Perrie was already in there, laying on the couch, watching a stupid show.

"Hey Jes." She said. I waved back. She motioned for me to sit down next to her. I rolled my eyes, but then sat down next to her. I didn't even say a word, but I know this is gonna be about Alex. "Alex is so sweet. Do you know what he did today?" She said. Knew it. I shook my head. "He bought me a rose bouqet." She said.

"You know that if a boy just randomly gives you flowers, he's gonna cheat on you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's fucking another girl right now." I said and Perrie gave me an angry look.

"What is with you? This last week you were nicer to Gigi more than me. Your best friend." She said. If only you knew why Perrie Edwards. I shrugged. "Alex loves me and he would never cheat on me." She added.

"I don't know. He's popular and every girl would wanna have him inside of them. Plus he's a player." I said and she pouted. She looked so cute like that.

"I hate you, Jes." She said and stormed into her room. Right then our door swung open and Gigi walked in.

"And I'm off." I said and walked out of the dorm.

Could I come over?

I kinda made perrie angry and i dont wanna be alone with gigi


Leigh and i arent doin anythin anyways

Is selena there too

Yea but shes in her room doing i dunno what


Will be right over

I put my phone in my pocket and walked to their dorm. I knocked on the door and soon Leigh opened the door.

"Hey." She said and hugged me. We walked in the living room and the two of us sat on the couch.

"Where's Jade?" I asked.

"Right here." She answered, carrying two cups in her hands. "I made us tea." She said and handed me and Leigh a cup each. Then she returned to the kitchen and came back with one more and then sat on the couch. "So why exactly is Perrie mad at you?" Jade asked.

"Well, she said that Alex brought her flowers today and I said that that's a sign that he's either gonna break up or cheat and she got mad." I explained.

"But that usually happens, right? At least it happened to me." Leigh said and we laughed. Suddenly a bedroom door swings open.

"Could you be a bit quieter? I need to do a project that's due to friday and I have a lot of work." She said as she peaked her head out.

"Already?" Leigh asked and Selena nodded and then closed the door again.

"Well, girls I gotta tell you something that I should've done a long time ago." I started.

"Okay." Jade said. I cleared my throat.

"Well, I-I'm into girls." I said and they looked at me with shock.

"So you're like... lesbian?" Leigh asked, searching for confirmation. I nodded. "Wow, I would've never guessed." She added. Selena's bedroom door opens again. She got out of the room this time and walked over to us.

"Jesy Nelson is lesbian. I can't wait until Gigi hears this." She said.

"Selena, please don't tell anyone. I know Gigi's your best friend, but I don't want anyone else to know this. Can I trust you on this?" I pleaded.

"I don't know. If I get to know if there's a girl you're in love with, my mouth's sealed. If you decide not to tell me, your little secret's out." She said and I sighed. I motioned for her to sit down.

"Well, there is a girl I like. But I can't ever have her. Because she has a boyfriend." I started and Selena interupted.

"It isn't me, right? Because I'll never break up with Justin for you." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"No, it isn't you. I don't even know how someone can stand you in a relationship." I said and Jade and Leigh laughed.

"Ah." She squeeled. "I am offended." She added. We laughed again.

"Well, the girl is Perrie." I said.

"Our Perrie?" Jade asked in disbelief. I simply nodded.

"Oh my god. This is juicy. I can't wait to tell G-..." She trailed off.

"Selena?" Jade waved a hand in front of her face.

"I can't tell." She whined. "I can't tell anyone. But it's so juicy." She was almost crying.

"I'm sorry Selena. But I'm glad I can trust you." I said and hugged her.

"I mean, you said that I can't tell anyone, so i'm not gonna. I know you maybe won't believe what I'll just say, but, Gigi is my best friend and I do love her, but I can't trust her with anything. She always either tells someone else or the whole campus. But I don't wanna be that bitch so I'm not gonna do that." She said and I just wanted to hug her. Then I finally did.

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