💮Chapter 6: Laotong💮

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Laotong- a friendship bonding two girls together for eternity as kindred sisters.
(Scarlett Meadows, 1896)

I've done some traveling these past few months. I've been to places like Valentine, Saint-Denis, Strawberry, and Annesburg. I haven't been to Rhodes as much not after what happened. From time to time, I did need to go to Rhodes because it was the only place that had the special herbs I needed. I've managed to pick up some of the language, and I've managed to get a job at a saloon in Valentine, it was okay, I lived upstairs. 

Today was, unfortunately, the day where I had to go to Rhodes. I need those special herbs, Ginseng, and English Mace. I rode through the heartlands the sun was beating down on me. I got some blouses and pants, I decided that I needed a change from my normal dresses. Especially, if I'm out on my own.

Before I go to Rhodes, I want to get some animals for the butcher. I stray off from the trail. As I was aiming at a deer I hear a woman. She was running towards me a look of fear on her face. She was holding a bloody knife and for a second I thought she was going to kill me. However, she came up to me talking real fast.

"Wait, what do you need?" I asked the last part in Spanish, I didn't know the entire language.

"H-help, I'm runnin' from some real bad men." She urged hurriedly. I didn't have time for questioning her. Even if it sounds stupid, I trusted her. We got on my horse and rode to Rhodes. "Thank you a bunch, ma'am." 

"What happened back there? And what's with the knife?" I asked. She looked at me with a concerned face. "I'm not going to turn you in if you did anything, I too, know the feeling of being pushed to the max." I was referring to a man that I had killed after he ripped my clothes and tried to ravage me. It happened when I was traveling to Strawberry, I was scared out of my mind, I had purchased a gun a few days prior. Javier had taught me how to shoot a gun.

"I just couldn't take it there anymore, I was in a gang. But, they're horrible. I killed one while gaining my freedom," she cried. I couldn't help but feel bad.

"What's your name?" I requested. I wanted to get to know her a little. 

"Tilly," she paused for a second sniffling, "Tilly Jackson."

"I'm Y/N, I came from Nuevo Paraiso." I felt like I needed to help her. I wasn't sure how. "What will you do now?" She was silent at first. Most likely lost in her thoughts,

"I'm not completely sure, but I'm going to do it alone." When we got to the town she got off Fuego and disappeared into a crowd of people. She must be enjoying her new found freedom. I decided that now would be a good time to go to the market. I got off my horse and went into the store. I bought the two herbs and started to look around.

I heard screams from outside. A tall white man was dragging a small Native boy by his hair, the man was yelling profanities at the boy. I ran out of the shop and to the man.

"What has this boy done?" I questioned the man. Instead of a polite response, I received a harsh push.

"Get out the way you greaser!" He hissed. He continued to drag the boy. With little to no hesitation, I slashed the man's arm and grabbed the little boy. I hoisted the boy onto my horse and we rode off. Shortly after, I heard gunshots coming in my direction and I shielded the boy.

I rode full speed not stopping until I was in the heartlands. I looked at the little boy in front of me.

"What's your name?" The boy was silent, at first, I didn't think he could speak English.

"Mohe." He whispered quietly. I wanted to know his story. This boy was young, how did he get into such a situation. 

"What happened?" I questioned.

"My family is gone. Our land was taken by soldiers, forcefully of course. My father and mother were killed. Everything that I know is gone too, the horses, books, and arrows." He recalled. His story brought tears to his and my eyes. I wiped his eyes with my thumb.

"I'll take care of you, everything is going to be okay. How old are you?"

"Fourteen." With this knowledge, I decided to get him twelve books. I can just tell that he likes reading since it was one of the things he lost. And it's the only thing that I can easily acquire.

"I live in Valentine, so we're heading there," I said with a smile on my face. He just nodded. This boy reminds me of myself when I first came to America. I was alone, and mostly scared. Hopefully, I can give him an experience different from mine.

Soon we were in front of the saloon. I got him off the horse first then I followed. "My boss is real' nice. He'll look out for you when I'm gone." My statement was nothing but true, my boss here was nothing like my boss in Nuevo Paraiso. He was kind, respected me, and an overall happy character. But then again, I've only known him for months. 

"I'm going to head out, I'll be back soon. Don't go gettin' in trouble." I walked out and headed to the store to buy his twelve books. Is it bad that I'm excited that I get to take care of someone else for a change? I did always want a son.










A/N:  OK, so some of you may notice that random sections of Y/N's dialogue were in italic that's because she hasn't fully learned English. Also, please pay attention to the dates in each chapter at the beginning and Y/N is half Mexican half (Where you're from). Lastly, if words are underlined then it's in Mohe's language. Thank you for reading.

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