💮Chapter 27: Maravilla💮

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My eyes started to blink open. I looked around to see nothing.

Where am I?

I got up and felt my way around in the darkness, the sound of metal clanking together filled my ears.

I frantically looked around in the darkness, fearing that the metal was following me and getting closer.

I make it about 5 feet away from my original spot when a force pulled at my right leg.

I panic and try to pull at my leg to get loose.

A voice pulls me from my panic. "Shhh!" The voice calls harshly. "Are you trying to get him to come down here?" The voice whispered.

I gasped in surprise as I look for the origin of the voice. "Where am I?" I call out to the voice.

"Shhh, I'll tell you everything, I know if you're quieter."

I whisper to the voice, "I will, now tell me."

I hear the rustling of sheet and clanking of metal before the man speaks. "This is the basement of the Gunsmith. The man... He's crazy. He thinks I'm his dead son, and I think that he thinks you are his pregnant wife that left him." I look to the voice -or at least where I think the voice is coming from- in shock.

"The man is delusional." The thought of the clanking metal came back to me. Chains.

I'm chained.

"How long have you been here?" I asked as I walked closer.

It was silent for a few seconds. "I don't know, honestly, " he paused. "Feels like months, I've been counting the sunrises and sunsets." The voice paused.  "During the day, just enough light peaks out to tell."

I frowned at the voice. "No one heard you scream or yell. You've been trapped here for months and no one came." My head started to fill with horrible thoughts. In a town like this, who would really go out of their way to save someone in a basement. It's all about the Grays and Braithwaites.

"Yeah. I'm waiting for someone to find us. It's our only option."

I don't want my baby to be born in an old basement. I have no doubt about the gang's abilities. But with the way I left, I wouldn't be surprised if they thought I wanted to spend some time away from camp.

I looked back over to the voice. "I have friends, real good ones. They will find us."  I walked over to where I originally was. As I reached the spot I felt a pile of blankets, and quilts on the ground. I slowly lowered myself on the pile and sighed in discomfort.

Only time can tell what will happen now. Hopefully, the gang will find me and get me out of this casa de hombre loco.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift into sleep.

I closed my eyes and tried to drift into sleep

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I was awakened by the feeling of warm light. I tried to ignore it and turn over.

Clank Clank

My eyes shot open to see the dusty basement. I looked over to my right and saw a bed with a man sitting on it. My eyes widened when I saw the sailor outfit he was wearing. It looked fit for a young boy.

"Who are you?" I asked. It seemed like questions were the only thing I could do say.

"I'm the man, who you were talking to. Augustus Mclan is the name." I looked over to the side of the bed and saw the chain bolted to the stone wall. I looked to my left and saw a similar bolted chain. 

I reached into my dress pocket in search of the knife that I had put there. I turned out my pockets and came up empty.

My knife is gone!

It was the engraved knife. My most treasured possession. Along with my ring. Angry tears started to fill my eyes. I got up from the pile of quilts and started to look around.

"What are you doing?" Augustus whispered.

I wiped my eyes as I started to rummage through papers on the desk near the door. "I'm trying to get us out of here. I'm not going to die in a basement because of some hombre loco."

I smiled as I found a knife. I smiled at Augustus. "This is our ticket, out of this mess."

I heard the basement door open and I shoved the knife back into the pile of papers as I walked over to Augustus. I turned back around facing the stairs.

The man who owned the gunsmith came down the stairs. "My dear Maravilla missed you so much. You slept well right. Our dear boy was here to keep you company. I didn't want you to be lonely."

The man came over, holding soup.

He put it on the table, that I previously rummaged through. I could feel Augustus tense beside me.

"How are my darling boy and beautiful wife today?" I grimaced as he said, wife.

I looked at him in caution as he walked over. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what honey, I think the pregnancy has messed with your mind a little, "he let out a little chuckle.

He is completely delusional

"Can you please let us go?" I tried to reason with him. "We have family that misses us. I'm pregnant and I just want to be with mi amor." The man lost all expression in his face and left the basement.

When the door was lock I heard him from the other side. "Just accept my love, Maravilla. I'm not letting you go again." I frowned as I walked over to the stack of papers. I grabbed the knife and went back over to my chain. I jammed the knife in between one of the bolts that took away my freedom. I started to slowly file down the bolt.

After a few minutes, it still looked the same. I put my knife down and wiped the sweat off my brow

This is going to take a long time.







Hey, it's me, I stayed true to what I said. I think as time goes on I'll try to update more. However, for right now it's just Saturdays.

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