💮Chapter 41: Insouciant💮

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We got on the horse and started on the way to Lakey. I smiled as I wrapped my arm around his waist, "Are you excited to see nuestros hijos?"  

"Si, I've missed them a lot." He picked the up the pace slightly. "I wonder how Mohe is holding up?" He wondered aloud.

My smile faded. "I hope that he is okay. I can't believe I left him alone for so long."

The ride continued in silence.


We finally got to the swamps. The sun started to come up and made the air slightly warmer. The smell was horrible and I could tell this place held many hidden dangers. 

"I'm glad the sun started to rise. It would be creepy if we had to ride here in the dark." I said as we continued to ride. 

"What?" He laughed. "You're scared of a little dark and mud."

I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see it.

"I'm not scared of mud or the dark at all. I tend to get my hands dirty very often."

We strolled in front of a few huts and saw people outside. I got off the horse first, excited to see my family again after everything. I walked closer to the huts and saw Abigail and Pearson. 

"Abigail!" I yelled as I ran over to her. A look of relief came over her face as she saw me. I embraced her in a big hug. "I missed everyone." I pulled away from the hug and looked at her arm's length. "How is everyone? My kids."

She smiled and threw her arm around my waist. "Come see for yourself." I walked with her to one of the huts far away from the main road. We talked about little things, like how her day was, how everyone was feeling, things like that. When we finally got to the hut I opened the door and looked to see Mrs. Grimshaw caring for Angel and Raul.

I smiled as I took in the entire scene. Mohe was sitting on a small cot near the back of the room reading a book, Angel and Raul were in a makeshift bassinet made out of a crate with many blankets to cushion it.

"Mohe!" I smiled as he looked up to me with a shocked expression. 


"Si es yo, mi hijo." I smiled as I ran over and gave him a hug. "I missed you so much!" I pulled away slightly to inspect his face. He looked the same but had a cut near his eyebrow and a bruise on his cheek. 

I rubbed my finger over it lightly. "What happened to your face?" 

He winced slightly. "We ran into a little trouble."

"What does that mean?"

"Let's just say that the swamps at night is not the perfect place to be." He explained as I slightly stepped away. 

"I want you to tell me everything that happened after I left," I said as I thanked Grimshaw for taking care of my babies and politely asked her to leave. 

I looked at Angel and Raul. They looked as precious as the day they were born. I picked them both up in my arms. "Hey, te quiero mucho." I looked back up to Mohe and sat down on the cot. "Come, sit here with me. Tell me everything." 

He sat down and told me everything. From the Pinkertons showing up at the camp to, Sadie and Charles taking charge and finding this camp for everyone. In turn, I told him all about the Bank Robbery and Guarma. 

It was so nice to be able to talk with all my kids. 

I started to show him how to how his siblings. "And then you cradle the head like this..." I demonstrated by doing it to Raul, I looked at him and saw him mirroring what I was doing. "You're a natural, you're going to be a great big brother."

Javier walked in and looked at the sight. He gave a slight smile and walked over to the two of us. 

"It's nice to see you guys." He said as he walked in. 

"Look at our children." I beckoned him closer. He sat down and next to me and looked at Raul.

"Looks like he has your eyes." He pointed out. 

"He does." I agreed and handed Raul to him. "It's nice, getting some time to relax with you all. Life seems so hectic nowadays." 

I looked over at Javier. "Where are the others?"

He pointed out the window. "Most of the gang is over there. Sadie also wanted me to come over here and tell you that she wants to talk to you."

"Okay," I kissed my babies' heads and walked out of the door to go to the other hut. I opened the door and was greeted by everyone in the gang. 

 Sadie saw me and immediately came over, "Y/N, it's nice to see you in one piece." She gave me a quick hug. "I need to tell you something, follow me." I followed her out the back door of the hut.

She quickly stopped and turned around, almost making me bump into her. "John was captured by Pinkertons."

I looked at her in shock, "Really?" I can't believe that the law got John. Oh, how is poor Abigail, I wonder. She didn't mention it to me at all. "We have to go get him."

"I know, I'm going to try and get Arthur to with us." We heard the front door open and hurried inside to see Arthur coming in followed by Abigail. 

"I see that you've made it Arthur," I said as I stepped into the house after Sadie. 

Everyone gathered around him and gave him hugs and a plate of food. "Wasn't easy."

Sadie and I sat on either side of him and she started the conversation. "John got captured by the law."

He looked at her in shock. "Is he still alive?"

"Just barely, they moved him up to Siska." She looked at us worriedly. "I don't know how much time he got left."

A determined look came over my face. "I'm sure it ain't long, we need to talk to Dutch and work out a plan."


We all spent the rest of the day talking and enjoying ourselves waiting for the rest of the gang to come back. 








Hey, this is an update. A longer one is coming soon.

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