💮Chapter 53: Pérdida💮

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The slice of light that was created from the small slit in the tent shined annoyingly in my one barely open eye. I completely opened both my eyes and looked around. Javier was next to me sound asleep.

It's been a while since I've been able to talk to him or interact with him at all. We've both been so busy. Him running errands for Dutch and me, helping Arthur so he doesn't dig himself an early grave even faster. 

I huffed at the thought of Javier doing anything for Dutch. The thought of telling him about Dutch's role in the worsening relationship between the Native Americans and the army crossed my mind a few times. Would that simple fact give him glasses for his blind loyalty?

I shouldn't, it could crush him

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I gathered our laundry and quietly shuffled out of the tent. This is the perfect time to do laundry, the sun is barely up and everyone is asleep. 

It had been a week since Mohe had gotten shot. His wound is recovering nicely and I couldn't be happier. I'm still a little angry that he didn't think the situation through but at the same time, he is still a kid. He has a lot of learning to do.

I lugged the heavy sack of our clothes onto Fuego. Just as I was about to climb onto Fuego a thought crossed my mind. 

Javier might be concerned about my whereabouts

I quickly wrote a note."Yo a voy lavar nuestra ropa." I read aloud before I placed the note into the tent. I walked over to my babies and placed a kiss on both of their heads. 

I also decided to kiss Javier on the cheek before making my way back to Fuego. I started riding to the river that Javier and I fished at. 

The ride was spent looking at the beautiful scenery and listening to the sounds of nature.

I rode up to the lake. I got down from Fuego and slung the heavy sack over my shoulder. I slowly walked over to the bank and sat the sack down.

I took out the soap I had brought with me and wetted it.

I looked at the large sack and sighed. "This is going to take a while."


The sun was now shining bright in the sky bringing all of its harsh heat along with it. Something that I wasn't too thrilled about. The sun was beating on me with all its harsh rays.

In the last hour, I had managed to wash 75% of the clothes. I blew out a large breath and wiped the sweat from my brow. My arms were getting tired from the constant back and forth motion that I had to endure for the last hour.

"Only a few more to go." I reassured myself as I prepared for the rest of the clothes.

I picked up one of Javier's shirts only to be interrupted by the sound of horse hoofs. I immediately reached my revolver and turned around to face the noise.


I was faced with three figures riding horseback. Arthur in the front with Rains Fall and Javier riding behind them.

I stood up and walked over at Arthur. "What's wrong?"

He coughed before replying. "Mohe and Eagle Flies. They're going to the oil factory."

"The oil factory?" I repeated and looked between the three of them. "Why?" As far as I knew Mohe has no business with an oil factory.

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