💮Chapter 38: Vicissitudes💮

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The wind howled and pushed the sea breeze into my face. 

Everyone was still planning our leave and I had decided to help Hercule get some more ammo and guns from the armory. I felt like I couldn't just stay here and do nothing when so much has to be done.

"Thanks for helping us. You really didn't have to." I said as we walked to the armory, the soldiers were getting more and more desperate for us, and Hercule wants to make sure that he'd be ready in case the soldiers try to corner us.

"No problem, it's time for the rule Fussar's rule to come to an end. A few more hands wouldn't hurt."

We continued to walk in silence until we made it to the armory.     

We took the guns and ammo and piled them into the bags each of us was carrying. "Where are you planning on going after all of this?" I asked as I buttoned up the bag. 

"I'm planning on going back to Haiti. I have somethings I want to do there." He replied as we started to go back to the camp.

"I get it. When I go back to America the first thing that I want to do is hug my children. I want to hug them so tight and never let them go." I turned to look at him. "And I want to settle down. I feel like all of us can keep doing this forever, you know. The times are changing. We're moving into a new century."

He nodded. "I get it. Having a family is something a lot of people want to do and I agree times are changing. That is one of the main reasons why I started this rebellion, things need to change, and if no one is willing to do it... I'll make it happen."

We walked into the little camp and set down the guns. "I'm going to go over a plan with Dutch and the rest of your group."

"Okay, I'll be with Javier, then." I got up and walked over to the tent Javier and I was temporarily staying at. 

"How are you, my love?" I asked as I stepped in the tent and looked at his wound. 

"I feel horrible, my leg is constantly throbbing in pain and I miss our kids. I really do. I've barely gotten to hold the little ones." I sat down next to him and he threw his arm over my shoulder. 

I sighed lightly. "I know, I do too, every day they cross my mind. I try not to think about it too much. We don't have time to be worried, we have to focus on getting out of here so we can see them."

"You're right."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Thinking about our children and when we're going to see them again. "I want to buy a house." I broke the silence. 

I didn't have to look at Javier to know that he was shocked by my request. "I want to get a little cottage on the hill just like we talked about."

"Y/N, you know we can't do that when we get back." 

"What do you mean? We cheated death, death. We might not get another chance like this again." I countered.

"Who helped us cheat death, Y/N?! Who?!" He yelled. I frowned as I looked at him.

"The same man that got us into this mess, Javier. That's who." I said as I started to get up.

He grabbed my arm preventing me from going any further. "Where is your faith, Y/N? I thought you trusted Dutch." He questioned.

"I have faith in us, Javier. Our family, the hope that we can be better than robbers and killers. I want a normal life, and I think our kids deserve one too." I walked out of the tent, completely and utterly mad. I can't believe him, choosing the gang over the family we worked so hard to make, something we dreamed of. 

I hope this 'faith' thing doesn't drive us into some graves. I sat a little ways away from the tents and the camps. I was sitting on a log in a place full of lush greenness. The island was so beautiful and captivating. Every since I got on to this island the only thing that was around me was negative.

I was captured and declared a fugitive the first day I got here, all with an injured leg. Right now, at this moment. I feel so at peace.

I was startled by the sound of branches and I quickly turned around to see Arthur slowly strolling in. "Ms. L/N, do you know how dangerous it is to be out here when we have the whole island searching for us?"

I laughed lightly at Arthur, brushing off his warning. "I just needed to be away. The sun looks so nice from here." I looked back to the setting sun and patted the seat next to me on the log. "Come sit."

He huffed in annoyance before sitting down next to me. I know he only acts like that to hide his soft side so I'm not offended. 

"Javier doesn't want to leave the gang," I spoke quietly as we continued to look at the sunset.

Arthur nodded his head, just listening to what I had to say.

"When we were younger, we always wanted to get married and get a little cottage on a hill to raise our babies, and  I use to joke and say that we should get a dog too." Tears started to appear in the corners of my eyes and I harshly wiped them off. "I shouldn't be getting sad over this, it was just a dream. A talk between kids who just wanted a taste at a better life."

"Y/N, I can tell from looking at you and talking to you, that you are a great person. You deserve to have a family." He gave me a few seconds to process his words. "Honestly, I think the gang is starting to come to an end." I looked at him in shock, I thought I was the only one that was starting to think that.

"Dutch killed an old woman, Y/N. He killed a woman because he said he could see it in her eyes how she was going to betray us." He rubbed a hand over his face. "A new century is coming and our time as gunslingers is almost over. We need to start lying low and starting families because this is our only chance."

I thought Arthur would be the last person to tell me this about Dutch since he and John were just about the first people in the gang. "Arthur, I don't want my kids to grow up like this."

"Javier, he is stubborn and blinded by loyalty. But, I know you'll eventually get through to him. He's not as stupid as Bill and definitely not evil like Micah. It'll just take him some time to realize the obvious." 

I laughed lightly as I started to wipe the tears coming down from my eyes. "Look who is the life coach now. You know all the right things to say, Arthur. Are you a therapist or something?"

He chuckled. "Not at all, Ms. L/N. Though, I have been told I'm a good listener."

"Indeed you are, Mr. Morgan."

I looked back at the sky. The sun of fully set and now nowhere in sight.

Arthur started to stand up. "And where are you going?"

He extended a hand to help me stand which I accept. "You mean where are we going? Hercule asked us to meet him at one of the old forts."

"I see, well let's become apart of a rebellion. Shall we?"









Hey, it's me and its Saturday. I'm going to try and update every Saturday instead every other Saturday. I hope you enjoyed this update. If there is any error just tell me.

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