Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

"Psst... Jade?" I hear a faint whisper from my door.

I roll over to see who it was.

"Yeah?" I say back to Niall.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep could I maybe stay in here?"

I was confused at one how I got to my room, two who changed me, and three why Niall is still here. Not that I didn't want him here just because why would he want to stay here.

"Um," I sit up and turn the lamp on, "Sure, yeah." I say scooting over.

Niall scampers over to the bed closing the door first and then turning off the lamp. He crawled into my bed and cuddled up close to me.

Before he dozed off I looked over at him.

"Hey, Ni?" he turned to look at me.


"Why did you stay? You didn't have to."

"I know. It's just I miss hanging out with you and I just figured we could hang out tomorrow, and you still have to tell me what's been happening."

I blush a bit at his concern for me.

Smiling I nod at him and he scoots me closer to him.

As I once again fall asleep I think about how it would be if this was a normal thing in-between Niall and I. Staying at each others houses and maybe someday moving in with each other.

Even though that'll probably won't happen. Niall is just a really good friend. Nothing more and surely nothing less. He's the best anyone could ask for in a friend.

That's how it's gonna stay. Friends.


When I start to wake up something is tickling my neck. Soon enough, I open my eyes and realize Niall's hair is in the crook of my neck and his arms are secured around my waist.

At first I enjoy the sight of him sleeping peacefully, all until my mom opens my door startling Niall from his slumber. He instantly sits up and has a look of worry in his eyes and they go straight to me, then over to my mum.

My mum lets out a laugh at Niall's worried face, "I made breakfast for you both. You can come down whenever to eat. I need to go run some errands first so please don't trash the house. Love you Jade. Bye Niall."

He nods and lays back down. I laugh at him for being scared of my mum walking in.

He blushes and nudge his arm, "Dude chill out. She knows were just friends." I say with a smile. Just friends. I repeated in my head.

He nods, crawls over me and gets off my bed. It is only now that I realize that he was only in a t-shirt and boxers. Not that I mind or anything.

"Hey if you want something comfortable to wear instead of your jeans I still have your sweats." I say getting out of the bed.

He smiles, "Yeah, that be good."

I walk over to my drawers and open up the first one. Once I opened it up I wished I hadn't. It was full of my bras, tons of pads and a stash of chocolate. I quickly closed it mentally punching myself in the face hoping he didn't notice.

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I opened up my bottom drawer exposing all my pants and sweats.

I pulled out his and closed the door.

"Here you go." I say turning to him.

"Thanks." he says with a smirk and slides them on.


"Humph..." I say plopping down onto the couch.

Seconds later Niall joined me with a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth along with two other pieces in hand.

I giggle at him and he shrugs swallowing the piece dangling from his mouth.

"So, what's the plans for today?" I ask while he finishes the last piece.

"Well... I was thinking maybe, if you would want to, we could first go to the Theme park, M&D's specifically, and then later tonight go to a drive in." he says looking over at me

"No." I say with a serious face.

His face instantly falls and I nudge him, "That sounds great!" I say with a laugh.

"For a minute I thought you were being serious." He says standing up, "And... you still have to explain to me why you were all poopy yesterday."

I nod, "Alright, first I'm gonna go get ready for our day of fun! I guess you could go and get ready, then pick me up when your done."

"Great, sounds like a plan!"


I run to my closet and grab ripped skinny jeans, Green Day shirt, and run to the shower.

I honestly think I took about a 5 minute shower.

I instantly grabbed my hair dryer and dried my hair. After my hair was all done I quickly applied my simple makeup.

By the time I got dressed and ate a snack Niall was back knocking at my door.

"Ew go away." I say opening the door and step out with a laugh.

"Oh so are you paying for this then?" he says teasing.

"Well duh!" I say linking our arms together like little kids.

"Great! In that case let's stop at a very classy restaurant and let me get a lobster soup and five baked potatoes."

I laugh and walk to the passenger side of his nice black Range Rover.

"Ready for a day of fun?" Niall asks opening the door for me.

"More ready than I'll ever be." I say with a smile.


(A/N): sorry it took so long. hopefully I'll update later on in the week since this one was so short.


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