Chapter 20 -Brother

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(Y/n)'s POV

My whole entire life came crashing down. I thought I could move on from my past and be happy. But I was so wrong. Because I thought that, Edward, Al, and Roy all got hurt. And the only person to blame is me.

~4 hours before~

When Edward and I started heading home, I felt like someone was following us. I shrugged it off and continued walking with Edward.

"So, do you have work tomorrow?" Edward asked me as we walked hand in hand. "Yes, but I get off early." I smiled at him. He groaned and looked at me. "I don't think I can wait that long." I giggled at his cuteness.

"Too bad." I said sticking out my tongue. Before Edward could reply we were both hit in the head with something hard.

When I woke up my hands and feet were tied to a chair. Edward was to my right and Roy to my left. In front of us Al sat with no legs and arms.

"Omg, Al! Are you okay?" I asked trying to break free. "I'm fine, what about you?" He asked. "I'm fine." I looked at Edward. He was still knocked out cold. Same thing with Roy.

Footsteps made their way to me. My eyes widen and my heart stopped. Standing in front of me was my brother and uncle.

"A-Alex?" I stuttered. "Omg... Why would you do this! I understand you want me, but bringing in the people I love is unacceptable!" I yelled.

"Shut up! You have no right to be mad with me. You left me alone!" Alex yelled. "You left me and started a new happy life without me!"

"I didn't leave you! I saw you die in front of my own eyes! The next time I saw you, you killed my best friend!" My eyes started to water at the thought.

"Shut up!!" Alex slapped me. "Why can't you just tell the truth! Why do you like about everything!"

Alex's POV

She's always lying to me. Why can't she just tell the truth. She's supposed to trust me with her life. But all that changed when she left me alone. With my uncle.

How could she leave me alone with our uncle to start a new and happy life without me. It hurts to know that she did that. My uncle told me she left me because she didn't want to take care of me. And I believe him. I am, looking at her, she seems to not have any regrets leaving me.

The only thing I can do right now is show her how I feel. And if that means killing those she loves the most, then so be it.

I walked over to the boy to her right. I pulled a knife out and put it to his neck.

"No! Please don't! Leave him alone!!" (Y/n) cried. So this boy must mean a lot to her. Maybe even more than me. I pushed harder causing a bit of blood to fall down his neck. (Y/n) starts to yell and try to break free.

"Leave him alone!!! Kill me, hurt me! But don't hurt them! Please Alex!" She locked eyes with me. And when I saw her pain, I stopped. I stepped away and my heart broke. I never saw (y/n) look so defeated. So in pain. I walked to my uncle and told him we're leaving. I some what feel bad. I wish I knew why but I don't. What ever this feeling is, I want it to go away.

~Please read~

Okay, sorry it took a while for this to come out. I've been busy. Also, made a Instagram account for this. It's my username. On there I will post sneak peeks of Unforgivable and my other account's stories. You'll also know when the next chapter will be out. So make sure to follow it. Anyways see you next chapter.

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