Chapter Four: Vampire

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After sleeping on the bench last night, the sound of cars wake me up. The sun has already risen, and Death&Decay is open already. I realize that I don't even know what I look like, and figure that I should find a restroom or something before I walk in.
After walking a little ways down the street, I saw a sign for restrooms and sprint towards it. Inside, I step in front of the tallest mirror so that I can take in my full image:
My red, satin cocktail dress and black heels.
My hair is not in an up-do as I had thought, but instead it's short, with the longest layer just above my shoulder. It's pastel purple with blue streaks, and is buzzed on the right side, progressively getting longer onto the other side. It seems like my style. Even knowing what I look like, I still don't know why I'm alive.
I wonder what kind of nightmarish creature I am...a vampire maybe?
If they even existed, that was.
It would be so fitting, especially if I got hired at Death&Decay. I desperately search my neck for bite marks, pulling back the short tendrils of hair until I find anything that can explain me. On the left side of my neck, I see two, perfectly spaced puncture marks. I let out a giddy laugh and smile at my reflection.
I'm undead, and I'm not your average teenage girl. If anyone ever wanted to be "noticed" or "more than normal" this was the way to do it. Twisting on my heel, I skipped out of the bathroom and head down the street, seeking a job at Death&Decay.

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